Hello awesome readers, time for another #FaeFriday! This tag is hosted by Caffeinated Fae, the rules and upcoming prompts can be found here.
Here is this week’s prompt:
Music is something that faeries are known to enjoy. That is why this week’s prompt is: what kind of music do you listen to when reading?

I wonder how common it is to listen to music whilst reading, do you do it? I usually just prefer silence. Even though ‘sometimes quiet is violent’ (name that song?) Most likely I’ll just have the TV playing for background noise/other people around. I don’t mind if music as playing, as long as it isn’t really loud but if it’s good music it might be more distracting than helpful for me. Usually when music is playing when I’m reading it is for my 1 year old. That doesn’t mean it’s baby music per se. We have been playing a huge variety of music for her. So it might be classical, foreign, energetic, slow, rap, heavy metal, K-pop, Cali reggae, or really anything else we can find or think of. She likes it all and comes up with different dance moves to suit the songs. If I’m trying to read I wouldn’t want something that I’d want to sing along with, so Lana Del Rey and Twenty One Pilots are out of the question. I could listen to Billie Eilish while reading maybe. Even though I enjoy her music I have one of her CDs (am I the only one who still buys CDs?) and it has a lot of repeats on it and it is short and kind of redundant so that would probably make some enjoyable background sound. I’ll have to test it out.
So I guess the short answer to what I listen to while reading is nothing in particular and possibly anything.
I’m way more curious what you all listen to while reading! Let me know in the comments below, or if you did this tag as well this week drop me a link so I can read it!
Friendly reminder there is a giveaway contest going on right now in case you haven’t already seen it, you can find it here.
I definitely get background noise. If it’s too noisy, I will listen to instrumental music to help drown it out.
I completely agree, instrumentals are great