Blog Tour · Book Spotlight · Giveaways

*Spotlight* and #Giveaway Mirror’s Despair by Justine Alley Dowsett and Murandy Damodred Published by @MirrorWorldPub Tour by @Saphs_Books

Hello awesome readers! Today I'm doing a book spotlight on my spot for the virtual tour of just released, Mirror's Despair by Justine Alley Dowsett and Murandy Damodred. You'll find info on the series below as well as a giveaway to win your choice of books from the series, so be sure to check that out… Continue reading *Spotlight* and #Giveaway Mirror’s Despair by Justine Alley Dowsett and Murandy Damodred Published by @MirrorWorldPub Tour by @Saphs_Books

Book Spotlight · Product Reviews

Owlcrate September ‘A Glorious Haunting’ Unboxed! @owlcrate

*Warning this post contains spoilers of the contents of the September Subscription from Owlcrate. Hello awesome readers! Today I'm super thrilled to be unboxing the September box from Owlcrate. The theme for this month's box is 'A Glorious Haunting' and the contents are TO DIE FOR! Between my package getting held up and my own… Continue reading Owlcrate September ‘A Glorious Haunting’ Unboxed! @owlcrate

Book Spotlight

#Shelfie A Sneak Peek at My Reading List and Summer Hauled Books (Part 2)

Hello awesome readers! Today I wanted to share a peek at my book shelf, part 2! Since covid-19 caught us between homes I don't have my full library set up, and sadly most of my books are in boxes, but I do have my recent summer hauled books neatly displayed on a shelf for my… Continue reading #Shelfie A Sneak Peek at My Reading List and Summer Hauled Books (Part 2)

Book Spotlight

#Shelfie A Sneak Peek at My Reading List and Summer Hauled Books (Part 1)

Hello awesome readers! With the official end of the summer just a couple days away, today I wanted to share a peek at my book shelf. Since covid-19 caught us between homes I don't have my full library set up, and sadly most of my books are in boxes, but I do have my recent… Continue reading #Shelfie A Sneak Peek at My Reading List and Summer Hauled Books (Part 1)

Book Spotlight

New Book Released Today! Riley Thorn and the Dead Guy Next Door by Lucy Score

Hello awesome readers. Today I'm announcing the release of, Riley Thorn and the Dead Guy Next Door: A Reluctant Psychic Romantic Comedy by Lucy Score. A nice, normal life. Is that too much to ask? For Riley Thorn it is. Divorced. Broke. Living with a pack of elderly roommates. And those hallucinations she’s diligently ignoring? Her… Continue reading New Book Released Today! Riley Thorn and the Dead Guy Next Door by Lucy Score

Book Spotlight · Product Reviews

Owlcrate August Subscription Unboxed! @owlcrate

Hello awesome readers! Today I'm going to unbox the August subscription for OwlCrate. You've probably heard of this hugely popular monthly subscription that sends members a limited edition hardcover young adult book each month with incredibly cool coordinating swag. The novels usually have something special like sprayed edges or a special edition cover and are… Continue reading Owlcrate August Subscription Unboxed! @owlcrate

Blog Tour · Book Spotlight · Excerpt · Giveaways

*Book Tour* A Spectacle of Souls by Jessica Julien @jjulienauthor Excerpt and #Giveaway. Tour by Rockstar Book Tours @RockstarBkTours

Hello awesome readers. We have another book tour today! Today we are featuring, A Spectacle of Souls by Jessica Julien. With this blitz we have an excerpt and a giveaway for a $10 Amazon gift card & a copy of the eBook courtesy of Rockstar Book Tours. So if you’d like a chance to win,… Continue reading *Book Tour* A Spectacle of Souls by Jessica Julien @jjulienauthor Excerpt and #Giveaway. Tour by Rockstar Book Tours @RockstarBkTours

Blog Tour · Book Spotlight · Excerpt · Giveaways

*Book Tour* Neon Drops by M. Sinclair @writes_sinclair Excerpt and #Giveaway! Tour by Rockstar Book Tours @RockstarBkTours

Hello awesome readers, we have a very cool book blitz today for the newly released, Neon Drops by M. Sinclair. Find more information about the book below. This blitz also includes a giveaway for a $10 Amazon gift card courtesy of Rockstar Book Tours & M. So if you’d like a chance to win, check… Continue reading *Book Tour* Neon Drops by M. Sinclair @writes_sinclair Excerpt and #Giveaway! Tour by Rockstar Book Tours @RockstarBkTours

Book Spotlight

*Release Announcement* A Locket of No Particular Significance by Florien St John

Hello awesome readers, today I'm announcing the book-birthday of new epic fantasy, A Locket of No Particular Significance (The First Book of Weskerlee): A Whimsical Historical Fantasy of Faerie by Florien St John. This book is available in both Kindle e-book format and paperback. Free if you have KU, if not you can try Kindle… Continue reading *Release Announcement* A Locket of No Particular Significance by Florien St John

Book Spotlight

New Release! Remember Me, Synthetica by K. Aten @WORDNRD68

Happy book birthday to, Remember Me, Synthetica by the award-winning author of a stunning variety of novels, K. Aten. This is my current read and I LOVING it. The main character is so unique let lovable and I'm really enjoying her journey. So far the love story has a great pace and the technology described… Continue reading New Release! Remember Me, Synthetica by K. Aten @WORDNRD68

Book Spotlight

New Release The Dreamkeepers by Antonio Zadra @DrZdreams

Hey awesome readers. I wanted to share an interesting book with you today. The Dreamkeepers by Antonio Zadra, this is a new release that is in my TBR stack. It's a unique thriller where the evil can be found within a dream. I'm really interested in the premise of this one. Blurb: When Dr. James… Continue reading New Release The Dreamkeepers by Antonio Zadra @DrZdreams

Book Spotlight

New Release — The Reflecting Pool by Otho Eskin

Released today by Oceanview Publishing, THE REFLECTING POOL By Otho Eskin   In THE REFLECTING POOL Marko Zorn, a Washington, D.C. homicide detective with expensive tastes in art, classic cars, and women, must take on extra work—not always strictly legal, often unorthodox and usually dangerous—to supplement his income—work which requires his special combination of skill and… Continue reading New Release — The Reflecting Pool by Otho Eskin

Blog Tour · Book Spotlight · Cover Reveal · Giveaways

*Cover Reveal* Unwritten by Alicia J. Novo @aliciajnovo

Hello awesome readers! We have another blog tour today, this time to reveal a new cover! Isn't this one just absolutely stunning!?!! Read on to learn more about this upcoming YA Fantasy novel! Unwritten Alicia J. Novo Publication date: November 14th 2020 Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult Books whisper to Beatrix Alba. But they aren’t the… Continue reading *Cover Reveal* Unwritten by Alicia J. Novo @aliciajnovo