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Book Tour (REVIEW) Cordial Killing by Vikki Walton w/ Elderberry Cordial Recipe & #Giveaway Contest @girlswantago

Hello awesome readers. Welcome to my stop on the Book Tour for new release, Cordial Killing by Vikki Walton. I have a review for you of this book as well as a recipe straight from the heart of the story! Cordial Killing is a cozy mystery set in a B&B where the guests can learn all sorts of ‘backyard farming’ skills including making their own Cordial (when they aren’t busy being murdered or trying to solving crimes, of course). There is also a giveaway for books and a Amazon gift card so be sure to enter!⤵️



NewReleaseAnne is excited for the opening of the Brandywine Inn. Kandi and Hope are her partners in the bed-and-breakfast in Carolan Springs, Colorado, where they also provide homesteading and herbal workshops for guests.

As soon as the guests arrive, it’s plain that the five old college chums have bad blood between them. When Anne finds a threatening note, it’s clear that someone is out for revenge. Then they find a guest dead. At first, the death appears to be natural, but suspicions begin to grow.

When a blizzard threatens the Inn, will it trap them all with a killer and no way out?

Cordial Killing is a classic who-dun-it with a twist. Set in the fictional small town of Carolan Springs, you will enjoy an armchair getaway into beautiful Colorado.




Cordial Killing

A Backyard Farming Mystery #2

417kRTuNOjLAuthor: Vikki Walton
Category: Cozy Mystery, Murder Mystery
Suitable for: Most ages, 12+
My Rating: 5 Stars
Format Read for Review: Mobi

In Short:

This is a great cozy mystery for fans of a good amateur sleuth murder mystery! I loved how it had a wonderful Scooby-Doo element to it with creepy things happening around the house, all while a very real human threat lurks. Overall I really enjoyed the book and solving the crime. I would definitely recommend it to those who enjoy this genre and I would read more by this author.


This was a very enjoyable and well written book. I loved that this was a mystery with actual clues so you could follow along in solving it. I actually figured out who it was as soon as the body was discovered but this in no way ruined the experience for me. I still didn’t know the ‘why’ and as the story progressed evidence popped up only confirming my suspicions more and more. There were some twists along the way and mysterious occurrences that all lead up to a thrilling ending.

The cast of characters was great, and even though three of them shared the same name I had no problem telling them apart thanks to their nicknames, and unique personalities and voices. When I saw the cast list in the beginning of the book I was nervous I was going to have a hard time keeping track of everyone but that didn’t end up being the case at all. The group of old friends visiting the B&B had an interesting backstory and everyone seemed to have their own secrets. I found the three owners of the B&B to be really likable and it made me want to read more of their stories.


I have no notable issues with this book.

reviewed by O sm


elderberry cordial

Marie’s Elderberry Cordial Recipe

Items Needed

  • Quart canning jar with lid
  • Funnel (large mouth)
  • Wooden spoon
  • Label or masking tape
  • Sharpie
  • Cheesecloth (optional)
  • Strainer (optional)
  • Decorative Bottle (optional)
Ingredients Amounts needed Comments
Elderberries 1.25 cup dried or 2 cups fresh For fresh, remove from stems.
Brandy 3 cups Can also use other alcohol but brandy is most commonly used.
Honey ¼ to ½ cup (or to taste) Vegans or those who don’t have access to good local raw honey can substitute maple syrup. Acquiring local honey will provide your cordial with its own unique flavor.
Cinnamon stick One Flavor along with Antioxidants and Anti-Inflammatory properties
Rosehips ¼ cup Extra Vitamin C
Ginger 1-2 tbsp grated fresh ginger Flavor along with Antioxidants


  • Place elderberries (and any optional ingredients, if using) into quart jar.
  • Cover with brandy.
  • Add honey.
  • Stir with wooden spoon or put lid on and shake.
  • Place in dark, cool space (usually a cabinet will do) for three to four weeks.
  • If desired, strain with cheesecloth and using a strainer, put into a decorative bottle.
  • Or you can leave ingredients in jar.
  • In winter take 1-2 tbsp daily for immune-boosting. If ill, take 3-4 tbsp (basically a shot glass) a few times a day until symptoms improve. This cordial can also be used as a base for poor-tasting tinctures such as osha.
  • Can last for a year with fresh berries and longer if made with dried berries—if you have it that long!


Elderberry is a wonderful plant to have in your yard or on your property. It has many medicinal benefits and uses. The elderberry plant most commonly associated with immune-boosting and flu-fighting properties is the dark berry plant (Elderberry Sambucus Nigra). Elder flower is also used in elixirs, teas and food. Elder was the International Herb Association’s Herb of the Year in 2013. It’s usually harvested in September.

This Content is not intended to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. Always seek the advice of your physician or other qualified health provider with any questions you may have regarding a medical condition.

About the Author:

authorcentralpicVikki’s first words were “I get it!” This attitude became her life-long mantra to always go after what she wants. It also helped her realize her desire to help others get what they really want out of life.

After spending years as a registered interior designer, Vikki began to write. While writing for periodicals, Vikki found herself on assignment interviewing publishers in Colorado Springs. It wasn’t long before the natural beauty of Colorado captured her heart.

After moving to Colorado, Vikki worked with nonprofits. However, she soon realized she needed more autonomy in her work.

Vikki started her own business as a nonprofit consultant and grant writer. She has helped nonprofits across the U.S. to receive millions of dollars for their work. Yet, she realized doing one thing wouldn’t satisfy her for long.

Vikki became a Work Quilter™ combining her many passions to create multiple income streams. She started speaking and teaching adults on myriad and diverse topics around her knowledge, skills and passions. She’s taught and spoken on Creative Writing, Design for Heart and Home, Fundraising Fundamentals , Suburban Homesteading, Permaculture, How to Get What You Really Want, and of course, Work Quilting. Two words that continually appear on instructor and speaker feedback forms are “engaging” and “knowledgeable.”

Born in Chicago, Vikki lived outside of Paris for a few years as a small child. That may account for her love of travel. She moved to Wichita with her parents before going on to live most of her life around the San Antonio, Texas area. She is the founder of #girlswantago and you can connect through Facebook or

Vikki is also an experienced, professional global house and pet sitter.

Vikki’s favorite genre is mystery so it wasn’t long before she had begun her first cozy mystery series. Incorporating her love of suburban homesteading, or as some call it, backyard farming, Vikki’s first book is Chicken Culprit.

You’ll most often find Vikki out hiking with her dog, outside gardening, traveling abroad, house or pet sitting, or writing her next book.

This post contains affiliate links to Amazon.

2 thoughts on “Book Tour (REVIEW) Cordial Killing by Vikki Walton w/ Elderberry Cordial Recipe & #Giveaway Contest @girlswantago

  1. Babsbookbistro PA (@babsbookbistro) says:

    What a lovely review. Thank you for sharing a wonderful post.

    1. odbookreviews says:

      Thank you, it’s my pleasure!