Book Spotlight · Lifestyle/Personal

30 Free Books for while we #StayHome & #ReadMore

While we stay home to stay safe and help protect those more susceptible in our communities from covid-19 let's make the best of it by reading more! Here are a few books that are currently FREE to help get you through this difficult time of isolation. Please be sure to double-check the prices before purchasing… Continue reading 30 Free Books for while we #StayHome & #ReadMore


I found a body in the desert and everything else I’ve been up to this past year.

I've been gone for a while and I know I have some splainin' to do. So here's everything that has happened! I finished school! Woohoo! I also passed my boards and got my RT (R) license. The house we were living in was sold. I found a headless body in the desert. We moved temporarily… Continue reading I found a body in the desert and everything else I’ve been up to this past year.


News Update from O

Hello awesome readers! Sorry for the looong pause. I feel like I owe a recap and update on upcoming plans. Unfortunately a few months ago my grandma, and D's mom passed away. It was very sudden and unexpected because I had just seen her and she seemed to be in such good health. She was… Continue reading News Update from O