
News Update from O

Hello awesome readers! Sorry for the looong pause. I feel like I owe a recap and update on upcoming plans.

Unfortunately a few months ago my grandma, and D’s mom passed away. It was very sudden and unexpected because I had just seen her and she seemed to be in such good health. She was such an amazing person and I love her and miss her so much.


Since then I’ve been busy with being depressed and doing the best to complete my schooling and clinical hours. I can happily announce that I have now taken my last final exam and passed the ARRT board exam! Before I was working full time (unpaid) at the hospital and taking classes so with that behind me, and hopefully just some gainful employment ahead of me, I should have a lot more free time to read and review. Thank goodness! I’m so sorry that in the meantime I have completely neglected my e-mail and all of my other plans.


All I’ve been reading lately have been review books so I’m glad to be able to read about something other than bones. Although I may still be reading about bones… because I will be reading for The Indie Horror Book Awards hosted by Cedar Hollow Horror. If you like horror keep an eye out for my reviews!


I have an upcoming review that is long overdue for Reading Blue Devils by Jon Bennett. This was an AWESOME book that I have been really been wanting to write the review for for a while, so I’m happy to finally have the time. It is a really funny book about a inner-city high school teacher who makes a deal with the devil. I highly recommend it, stay tuned for my review.

from afar

We have another upcoming guest review written by Andrea Lechner-Becker who is the author of new release, Sixty Days Left: A Novel. She has reviewed for us, From Afar by Frank Scozzari. Come back tomorrow to read that review! And stay tuned for my book spotlight of Andrea’s book, Sixty Days Left: A Novel.

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I’m really looking forward to jumping back in and talking about some wonderful books with all you awesome people. I hope you will all forgive me for my absence!

2 thoughts on “News Update from O

  1. sjhigbee says:

    I’m so glad you’re back and that you have successfully passed your exams. I’m also very sorry for your loss — it was clearly a horrible shock and you must have been griefstricken. All I would say is that she was clearly a vibrant lady with a real sense of fun — and having watched my own lovely gran being slowly swallowed up by dementia — at least she didn’t endure a long wasting illness with all the indignity and misery that entails. It is probably too soon to be able to derive any comfort from that thought — but I hope at some stage you will be able to do so.

  2. Rae Longest says:

    So sorry for y’alls loss. Welcome back. Deaths are deaths whether sudden or expected, you’re never ready for them. The saying, “She’s in a better place” is probably true here. Blessings on you and your family, Hon.