Promos *New*

Here are my promotional options both free and paid. All prices are in US dollars. Prices are subject to change with traffic growth.
Contact me with any questions or to arrange a promo campaign by e-mail at:

Banner Ad:

I sell ad space with a width of 280 px. Primo location in the sidebar.

Current price: $4.50/month or $22.50 for 6 months.

The ads are created with simple image links that direct traffic right to your book on Amazon without being hidden by add-ons like AdBlock.

Bonus: If you purchase ad space I will also give your book some additional shout-outs and promotion for free based on my availability.

Advertisements will look roughly this big:

Free Retweets to All My Followers on Twitter:

Getting RTs from me is easy and free. If you use twitter and would like me to retweet your tweet promoting your book just mention me by including @ODbookreviews in the tweet. In order to get the retweet from me, you must be following me, and the tweet must be clean. I will retweet for you more than once. The number of times I will retweet for any one account in a single day is limited to what I feel comfortable with (I will not retweet the same tweet many times in one day for example). Don’t forget to mention me in the tweet so I can find it easily and retweet it for you.

Find me on twitter here:

No direct message please, it’s hard to filter through all the Twitter spam. E-mail is my preferred contact method if you would like to get in touch with me.

Sponsored Tweets:

I will Tweet promotional tweets for your books/sites/events/amazon-links for a small fee. I will tweet once every other a day during the most peak hours (unless a different time is specified).

You can create your own tweet for me to use or we can create one together that suits your needs. E-mail me at odbookreviews (at) gmail (dot) com to get started.

2 Weeks (7) Sponsored Tweets = $6.50
4 Weeks (14) Sponsored Tweets = $12.50
*6 Weeks (21) Sponsored Tweets = $15.50* Special Discount

Use this service when you are running an event and want to get more exposure for it! Prices are based on my current following size and are subject to an increase in the future.

Giveaway Contests:

I host month long giveaway contests. If you would like to be added to my author invite list please e-mail me and let me know.

Guest Posts:

If you would like to post a guest post on the blog (free for authors, $20 for businesses), e-mail me. Posts must be clean but can be on any topic that you think will help promote your book(s). The post must be an original for the blog (no self-plagiarizing), unless it is a book spotlight. I cannot accept articles that have already been put on other blogs, because it may appear to others that I have stolen content from their site(s), this does not apply to promotional materials.

Book of the Month:

The Book of the Month is a promotion that cannot be purchased. Each month I choose a book I have read and reviewed that I felt was particularly good, special and memorable. I do not take suggestions for the Book of the Month.


Reviews are always free. Submit your book for consideration to my e-mail: odbookreviews [@] (sorry for the formatting there, but spam is a pain).
In your review request please include the book title, author name, description and any other information you think will be helpful (page count, release date, links, etc.) I get an overwhelming amount of requests so please be ready for a wait time on responses and reviews.

Donations to O. D. Book Reviews:

Donations are completely optional and they help me pay for the website fees, which in turn helps me support so many incredible indie authors. I currently pay a lot more than I make to run the blog so the donations help with this and I hope to upgrade to get more functionality on the site (like javascript for giveaways!). Donations are non-refundable. Donations are not required but greatly appreciated! If you would like to donate you can click here or use the button below to be directed to PayPal. Thank you!


If you donate 10 USD or more please include your mailing address so I can send you a thank you gift! (Like a handmade bookmark for example).