Memes & Tags

“Celebration of Color” Challenge hosted by Rae at PowerfulWomenReaders

Hello awesome readers. Today I am sharing a reading challenge that I'm going to be participating in, the “CELEBRATION OF COLOR" CHALLENGE hosted by Rae Longest over at PowerfulWomenReaders. This challenge is perfect for me because it has no deadline, and it's going to be a great motivation for me to take care of some… Continue reading “Celebration of Color” Challenge hosted by Rae at PowerfulWomenReaders

#ShortReadsSaturdays · Reviews

#ShortReadsSaturdays (REVIEW) I Should Have Worn A Curtain By Samyra Alexander @SamyraTell

Hello awesome readers! Welcome to another Short Reads Saturday where I read and review one of the shorter books on my TBR list because, you know, it makes me feel productive! In all seriousness though this is my 20th #ShortReadsSaturday review, so in reality I have actually knocked a few books from my TBR! I… Continue reading #ShortReadsSaturdays (REVIEW) I Should Have Worn A Curtain By Samyra Alexander @SamyraTell