Blog Tour · Book Spotlight · Giveaways · Reviews

(REVIEW) Blog Tour — Just in Case by Laura McHale Holland @lauramchh. #Giveaway! Tour by @XpressoTours

Just in Case: Twenty-one Bite-sized Stories Laura McHale Holland Publication date: August 17th 2019 Genres: Adult, Contemporary Imagine a world where shadows of enchantment instantly render ordinary experiences eerie, terrifying or sublime, and where the unexpected becomes the norm. The twenty-one micro stories in Laura McHale Holland’s Just in Case comprise such a place: a… Continue reading (REVIEW) Blog Tour — Just in Case by Laura McHale Holland @lauramchh. #Giveaway! Tour by @XpressoTours


(REVIEW) FAT CAMP by James Sabata @JamesSabata #ihba

Since 1985, over 500 overweight teenagers have come to Camp Wašíču, looking to lose weight, gain self-confidence, and turn their lives around. Phillip McCracken arrives, weighing in at almost 400 pounds; but the baggage he carries from the past affects him much more deeply than the numbers of the scale. When a homicidal maniac hell-bent on revenge attacks, Phillip will be forced to either find the courage to save the people around him or fall victim to his own self-doubt…

#ShortReadsSaturdays · Reviews

#ShortReadsSaturdays (REVIEW) Chills: A Short Story Collection by Sahar Sabati @Saharou

Hello lovely readers, I have another special October creepy #ShortReadsSaturday review. This one is for those who like ghost stories that aren't too hardcore. Chills A Short Story Collection Author: Sahar Sabati Category: Short Scary Stories, Psychological Thriller, Ghosts Suitable for: Teens+ My Rating: 3.5 Stars Format Read for Review: Kindle copy provided by Lola's Blog… Continue reading #ShortReadsSaturdays (REVIEW) Chills: A Short Story Collection by Sahar Sabati @Saharou