Blog Tour · Book Spotlight

Kingdom of Glass and Ashes: A Limited Edition Collection of Cinderella Retellings — Book Blitz with #Giveaway Contest & Samples! Tour by @XpressoTours

Kingdom of Glass and Ashes: A Limited Edition Collection of Cinderella Retellings Publication date: December 18th 2018 Genres: Adult, Fairy Tales, Fantasy A classic fairy tale- but not how you remember it… What if the stepmother wasn’t the only one who was wicked and Prince Charming wasn’t what he seemed? What if your favourite princess… Continue reading Kingdom of Glass and Ashes: A Limited Edition Collection of Cinderella Retellings — Book Blitz with #Giveaway Contest & Samples! Tour by @XpressoTours

Blog Tour · Book Spotlight · Guest Post

*Guest Post* by Chauncey Rogers @ChaunceyRogers ‘Say What? — On Character Dialogue’ Blog Tour for New Release: Happily

Say What? - On Character Dialogue Thanks O.D. Book Reviews for giving me some time on your blog! I want to talk about character dialogue. It is such an important part of writing. What characters say and how they say it reveals a great deal about who they are, and can make or break a… Continue reading *Guest Post* by Chauncey Rogers @ChaunceyRogers ‘Say What? — On Character Dialogue’ Blog Tour for New Release: Happily


(REVIEW) The Step-Spinsters by Madina Papadopoulos @MadinaPaola @UnspunFairytale #BeatTheBacklist #DeweyDragons #mustread

Hello awesome readers! I am excited to share another book now knocked off my TBR pile and what a fun read this was! A Cinderella retelling that shows you her step-sisters side of the story as well as their struggles for marriage in a wildly humorous and imaginative way. For the month of March this… Continue reading (REVIEW) The Step-Spinsters by Madina Papadopoulos @MadinaPaola @UnspunFairytale #BeatTheBacklist #DeweyDragons #mustread

Memes & Tags

Teaser Tuesday ~ Jan. 30, 2018 ~ The Step-Spinsters by @MadinaPaola

Welcome to Teaser Tuesday, a Meme, created by The Purple Booker, that wants you to add books to your TBR, or just share what you are currently reading. It is very easy to play along: -Grab your current read — Open to a random page — Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page… Continue reading Teaser Tuesday ~ Jan. 30, 2018 ~ The Step-Spinsters by @MadinaPaola

Book Spotlight · Excerpt

About: Kindle Scout + Excerpt of The Step-Spinsters by Madina Papadopoulos @MadinaPaola

Hello awesome readers! Have you heard of Kindle Scout? Just in case you haven't, I'll tell you a little about it because it is a great thing for readers and writers. Readers get to preview upcoming books, nominate ones that they like, and if the book is selected they get a free copy! Writers get… Continue reading About: Kindle Scout + Excerpt of The Step-Spinsters by Madina Papadopoulos @MadinaPaola