Book Spotlight

Released Today — All Hallows Eve by Michael Penning

Hello awesome readers. Today is an exciting day, a new book is born! All Hallows Eve is a thrilling tale of ghosts and witches, and a dangerous battle to reunite a family. This is the debut novel by screenwriter Michael Penning. Read on for more information or find it on Amazon by clicking here! Blurb: … Continue reading Released Today — All Hallows Eve by Michael Penning

Book Spotlight · Excerpt · Memes & Tags

Teaser Tuesday ~ May 19, 2020 ~ Mind The Edge by Bailey Mikkelson and Chris Luchian @collabookshelf

Hello awesome readers and welcome to Teaser Tuesday, a Meme, created by The Purple Booker, that wants you to add books to your TBR, or just share what you are currently reading. It is very easy to play along: — Grab your current read — Open to a random page — Share two (2) “teaser”… Continue reading Teaser Tuesday ~ May 19, 2020 ~ Mind The Edge by Bailey Mikkelson and Chris Luchian @collabookshelf

Book Spotlight

New Release! Orphans of Liberty by Nathan S.M. Knapp @nathansmknapp

Hello awesome readers. I am pleased to announce the birth of a new book, Orphans of Liberty by Nathan S.M. Knapp. A dystopian thriller where citizens act as bounty hunters of terrorists. Find the blurb, trailer, links and more below! The United States nearly bankrupted itself fighting terrorism. Traditional law enforcement failed. In order to… Continue reading New Release! Orphans of Liberty by Nathan S.M. Knapp @nathansmknapp

Guest Post

(Guest Post) Leaning into Absurdity: My Midwest Book Tour for I Animal By Kevin Del Principe @kevdelprincipe

Leaning into Absurdity: My Midwest Book Tour for I Animal By Kevin Del Principe Writing a book seemed absurd; in part, because I had never written one before. It also felt important. So I wrote a book called I Animal about an LA screenwriter from just outside Buffalo, New York who is forced to return… Continue reading (Guest Post) Leaning into Absurdity: My Midwest Book Tour for I Animal By Kevin Del Principe @kevdelprincipe


(REVIEW) State of Emergency by Mary Hallberg #HalloweenReads YA Zombie Survival Horror #BeatTheBackList

State of Emergency Author: Mary Hallberg Category: YA, Zombie Outbreak, Survival Horror, Romance Suitable for: 13+ My Rating: 4 Stars Format Read for Review: Paperback copy provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. Pages: 151 Description: A truck transferring hazardous chemicals crashes in a cemetery and leaks its poison into the water… Continue reading (REVIEW) State of Emergency by Mary Hallberg #HalloweenReads YA Zombie Survival Horror #BeatTheBackList


(REVIEW) The Bug Jar by Ava Black @jlightbody11 #PsychologicalThriller #mentalhealthawareness #giveaway

Hey awesome readers. I'm excited to share my review of The Bug Jar by Ava Black. The mystery in this stunning psychological thriller kept me guessing til the end and I stayed up til 4AM one night to finish it because I just couldn't put it down! There is still 1 week left to win… Continue reading (REVIEW) The Bug Jar by Ava Black @jlightbody11 #PsychologicalThriller #mentalhealthawareness #giveaway

Memes & Tags

Teaser Tuesday ~ Oct. 23, 2018 ~ The Bug Jar by Ava Black @jlightbody11

Welcome to Teaser Tuesday, a Meme, created by The Purple Booker, that wants you to add books to your TBR, or just share what you are currently reading. It is very easy to play along: — Grab your current read — Open to a random page — Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that… Continue reading Teaser Tuesday ~ Oct. 23, 2018 ~ The Bug Jar by Ava Black @jlightbody11

Book Spotlight · Interviews

*Author Interview* w/ Varun Sayal @vsa2 author of Time Crawlers #scifi Short Story Anthology

Hello awesome readers. Got a real treat for you today. An interview with Varun Sayal the engineer turned author who wrote, Time Crawlers. Time Crawlers is a short story anthology with sci-fi themes including: dark AI, psychics, alien invasions and my favorite: time travel! I have this on my TBR and am looking forward to… Continue reading *Author Interview* w/ Varun Sayal @vsa2 author of Time Crawlers #scifi Short Story Anthology

Guest Post

*Guest Post* Why the high school setting is a challenge to Write by Jon Bennett @jbennett830 Author of Reading Blue Devils

Why the high school setting is a challenge to Write High school. Two words that represent four or more years of our lives. The best of times and the worst of times. The age of wisdom. The age of foolishness. The season of light. The season of darkness. The spring of hope. The winter of… Continue reading *Guest Post* Why the high school setting is a challenge to Write by Jon Bennett @jbennett830 Author of Reading Blue Devils

Book Spotlight · Excerpt

New Release! The Xeno Manifesto by Brysen Mann @brysen_mann *Excerpt*

Hello awesome readers. Today I am excited to share this new release, The Xeno Manifesto by debut author Brysen Mann. This psychological thriller is the first in a trilogy. Read more about the book and enjoy an excerpt below!   Blurb: Deputy Frank Smirnov wants a peaceful life but fate has chosen a different path.… Continue reading New Release! The Xeno Manifesto by Brysen Mann @brysen_mann *Excerpt*