#ShortReadsSaturdays · Reviews

#ShortReadsSaturdays (REVIEW) Chills: A Short Story Collection by Sahar Sabati @Saharou

Hello lovely readers, I have another special October creepy #ShortReadsSaturday review. This one is for those who like ghost stories that aren't too hardcore. Chills A Short Story Collection Author: Sahar Sabati Category: Short Scary Stories, Psychological Thriller, Ghosts Suitable for: Teens+ My Rating: 3.5 Stars Format Read for Review: Kindle copy provided by Lola's Blog… Continue reading #ShortReadsSaturdays (REVIEW) Chills: A Short Story Collection by Sahar Sabati @Saharou

Book Spotlight

New Release Sleep Savannah Sleep by Alistair Cross @CrossAlistair

Right on time for your Halloween TBR pile, Released Today: Sleep Savannah Sleep by: Alistair Cross Blurb: The Dead Don't Always Rest in Peace Jason Crandall, recently widowed, is left to raise his young daughter and rebellious teenage son on his own - and the old Victorian in Shadow Springs seems like the perfect place… Continue reading New Release Sleep Savannah Sleep by Alistair Cross @CrossAlistair