Book Spotlight

*Book Spotlight* Newly Released Box Set — Everville: Books 1-4 by Roy Huff @realroyhuff & #FreeBook!

Hello awesome readers. What have you been reading? Would you say you've gotten more reading down while in lockdown? Today, I'd like to share with you a newly released Fantasy box set, Everville: Books 1-4 by Roy Huff. I also have a link for you to get a free space opera short story. If you have… Continue reading *Book Spotlight* Newly Released Box Set — Everville: Books 1-4 by Roy Huff @realroyhuff & #FreeBook!

Book Spotlight · Reviews

Release Day (REVIEW) Fountain Dead by Theresa Braun @tbraun_author YA Haunted House #Horror

Hello awesome readers. Today a fantastic new book was released into the world, Fountain Dead by Theresa Braun. I was really excited to read this book because another book by this author (Dead Over Heels) was one of my past Book of the Month winners. I was certainly not disappointed with this novel. It features… Continue reading Release Day (REVIEW) Fountain Dead by Theresa Braun @tbraun_author YA Haunted House #Horror