Memes & Tags

Teaser Tuesday ~ Jan. 16, 2018 ~ Ebb Tide by Jase Kovacs @jasekovacs

Welcome to Teaser Tuesday, a Meme, created by The Purple Booker, that wants you to add books to your TBR, or just share what you are currently reading. It is very easy to play along:

-Grab your current read
– Open to a random page
– Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that page
– BE CAREFUL NOT TO INCLUDE SPOILERS! (make sure that what you share doesn’t give too much away! You don’t want to ruin the book for others!)
– Share the title & author, too, so that other TT participants can add the book to their TBR Lists if they like your teasers! Everyone loves Teaser Tuesday.

Here’s my current read:

Ebb Tide by Jase Kovacs

ebb tide

Here are my teasers (no spoilers):

We’re on an ebb tide. The plimsoll line is fully exposed and the ship’s propellers, each as wide as I am tall, are bent and buckled from where they clipped rock and reef on the way in. But I can tell that this ship has not drifted ashore. It was not cast here by a storm. It hit the island dead on, at speed.”

“The city coming alive with a thousand infected lining the waterfront, watching us, the only living humans in the city, sitting in our little boat in the bay, losing our minds together.”

I am really enjoying this book and I love how accurate the cover is with the story. My review of Up to No Good and this book, Ebb Tide will be up soon! I just started my secondary rotation at a new hospital so I’ve been a bit swamped!

Amazon Blurb:

Imagine the world ended while you were at sea. A two week blue water passage becomes a journey into an unknown future when a virulent plague wipes out humanity. Where would you go? How would you survive?

And what would happen to your children?

It’s thirteen years after the Great Dying, a vicious plague that wiped out 99% of humanity — and turned many of the survivors into twisted monsters. Matai is the last surviving member of a famous sailing family. Alone, she sails her yacht Voodoo through a shattered world. Battling the elements and vicious survivors, she struggles to keep the failing systems of her boat — her home — going.

She uses every ounce of ingenuity and knowledge gleaned from her passed parents to perform the day to day maintenance necessary to stay afloat. She has become a scavenger by necessity; searching deadly shipwrecks for anything that can keep her alive — or that she can trade with other survivors. But all this changes when, while exploring a derelict cargo ship, she discovers an evil greater than any she’s ever faced.

For the isolated islands of the Pacific are now the last scattered bastions of humanity. And it is on these islands that Matai will face her greatest challenge yet — one that may spell the final end for the human race.


What is the Southwind Saga?

The Southwind Saga is a series of books with a nautical focus set in a post-apocalyptic world. Think Walking Dead with boats or (as one reviewer put it) The Young Woman and the Zombie instead of The Old Man and the Sea.

In the world of the Southwind Saga, no one really knows what caused the end of the world. No one really understands how the disease, that kills most and turns others into mindless monsters, came to be. The plague that wiped out humanity struck so suddenly that the only survivors were those too isolated to be infected — and too isolated to have a proper idea of what is going on.

It’s a Saga as it’s an open ended series, where we follow the lives of the main characters — Matty, a nineteen year old female sailor and Zac, a young introverted translator — as they struggle to rebuild society on a remote island in the Pacific Ocean, thirteen years after a zombie apocalypse.

Read it if you enjoyed The Passage by Justin Cronin or Station Eleven by Emily St. John Mandel — or if you want a fresh take on the post-apocalyptic scenario. Fans of kickass — yet realistic — heroines will also love this book.

The first two books of the series — EBB TIDE and SLACK WATER — are out now.

ebb tide and slack water


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One thought on “Teaser Tuesday ~ Jan. 16, 2018 ~ Ebb Tide by Jase Kovacs @jasekovacs

  1. sjhigbee says:

    Ooo… I really like the sound of this one — the Southwind Saga seems like an intriguing new take on the apocalyptic genre:). Thank you for sharing.