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My 24 Hour Read-a-thon Results! #24HourReadathon

Hey awesome readers. As you may know (from Twitter) yesterday I partook in a 24 hour reading challenge with E and Cody. From 7AM PST Thursday to 7AM PST Friday I did nothing but read. I really wanted to do this challenge to make some serious progress on my TBR pile and now I’ll share the results with you! I didn’t read as much (page count wise) as I would have liked. I’ve been feeling very ill lately so I thought it would be easy to lounge around reading all day. Wrong! The first 12 hours were a huge struggle to keep my eyes open and I found I was reading really slowly. I was so tired my cat even managed to jump scare me by waiting behind me and then meowing right in my face when I looked at him. Being sick means I haven’t been getting the best sleep lately and the night before this event was no exception. I did take a short nap… twice, and one barf break, but besides that it was all reading, even while eating. It was hard to tell if the naps helped or not but in the end I got a second wind and finished up a bunch of short books. I am really glad that all the books I read were really interesting and that made it a lot easier to keep on pushing through. I think I’ll wait til I’m feeling better to take on something like this again, or I’ll at least start later (not a morning person)! I did read a total of 7 books and short stories and have a lot of review writing ahead of me now!

So here is everything I read in the 24 hour read-a-thon:

First I finished the last half of State of Emergency by Mary Hallberg. This is a YA zombie outbreak survival book blended with romance. I’m hoping to have the review up Oct. 29th.

state of emergency

Then I read a short story Beware The President’s Hair by Jenny Twist. A comical satire about evil hair being used to make a toupee.

beward the presidents hair

Then, I knocked out a couple of my November deadlines early. Firstly, Cordial Killing by Vikki Walton. A cozy mystery and stand-alone sequel to Chicken Culprit (Backyard Farming Mystery #1). My review for this will be up during the tour the second week of November! Be sure to check back for that (there will be a giveaway)!


Secondly from my November deadlines, Fountain Dead by Theresa Braun. A spooky haunted house horror story unlike any you have read before. This book releases Nov. 20, and you can see my review then, but feel free to pre-order now, you won’t regret it!

fountain dead

Next I read Uncle Bud’s Health Mine and the Girl Who’s Going to Fix the World by Mary Patterson Thornburg. A short story about a mine with healing properties and a mysterious girl with beneficent powers.

uncle buds health mine and the girl

Then I read The Mystery of the Blue Dolphins (A Dog Detective Series Book 1) by Sandra Baublitz this was a goofy cozy mystery short story featuring an adorable Saint Bernard.

the mystery of the blue dolphins

Lastly I read a short story, The Wand: A Huckster Tale by one of my favorite authors, Jeff Chapman. You can get this book free from his newsletter. This short story features the same characters, and magical weird west setting, from my August 2017 Book of the Month Winner, The Black Blade: A Huckster Novel by Jeff Chapman.

the wand

Thank you for reading! If you like what I’m doing, you can support me with a PayPal donation. Any amount helps, donations nonrefundable.


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6 thoughts on “My 24 Hour Read-a-thon Results! #24HourReadathon

  1. sjhigbee says:

    Huge congratulations for having managed to read so many books, especially given that you were feeling so poorly:(. Take care and I hope you’re feeling better now.

  2. Rae Longest says:

    What wonderful progress. Please accept my belated congrats! I have been so far behind for so long that I feel like I’m in a time warp in the past. I DID get my “grading marathon completed, class Halloween lesson and party over with, tutored three students after the class I volunteer for, and had company for lunch and had a Sseko party both on the same day. Today (Saturday the 3rd) was a catch up day, and I did some fun things. NOW…I’ve got to get back to reading.

    1. odbookreviews says:

      Thanks! It was challenging but also rewarding.
      Wow! Sounds like you’ve been busy! When I get swamped reading always gets neglected too. Hope you enjoy your current read!

      1. Rae Longest says:

        When I “get to it,” I’m sure I will. LOL