#ShortReadsSaturdays · Reviews

#ShortReadsSaturdays Review — Breaking Spirits by Glenn McGoldrick

Hello wonderful readers. I have Nightmare Waiting on my reading list but while it waits I thought I would check out this 13 page book by the same author, Glenn McGoldrick, that is free on Amazon. I’m also going to try to commit to more #ShortReadsSaturdays. I originally starting doing this when I was finding myself too busy to read and it did help me knock some shorter books off my reading list. Happily this is one of those Saturdays where I am taking an hour for myself to sit back and read.

Here is my review of Breaking Spirits. Let me know what you are currently reading or what short stories are your favorite.


Breaking Spirits

A Dark Short Story

Author: Glenn McGoldrick
Category: Short Story Thriller
Suitable for: PG13 Audiences
My Rating: 4 Stars
Format Read for Review: Kindle (free).
Pages: 13

Description: A man commits a heinous crime in his attempt to find justice for his mother.

In Short: This short psychological thriller will get you thinking about right and wrong. It is a fun quick little revenge story that is dark but not too dark. A lot of story is packed into very few pages. I recommend this book to anyone looking for a short story.

“A light wind blows through the cemetery, spinning the plastic windmills.”

Pros: This story is well written and to the point. The dialogue is great. It was a fun and very fast read. I enjoyed the story and think a sequel where the father attempts revenge would be scary. I liked the dark and psychological themes of the story. The ending is great, very haunting. I also would have loved to read more.

Cons: I wish this story was longer because there is a lot to it but the shortness takes away the feeling of suspense. More detail could mean more depth and impact.

Parent’s Guide: Non-graphic violence. There is a murder with very little gory detail.


reviewed by O


*Bonus — this book did include a way to get another free book by Glenn McGoldrick. I will be reviewing this book, The Wrong House to Burgle within the next couple weeks. We can also look forward to a guest post from the author so stay tuned.



Author Site

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Author Bio:

I worked in land-based casinos for five years, living and working in such diverse places as Luton, Israel, Greece and Middlesbrough!

In 1996 I started to work on cruise ships, then travelled the world for the next 15 years. I saw many wonderful places, had some great times and met some real characters.

I finished working on cruise ships in 2011, and since then I’ve settled in England, making my home in the North East. Life is good, but I still miss a little bit of scuba diving…

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