Hello awesome readers! Today I'm doing a book spotlight on my spot for the virtual tour of just released, Mirror's Despair by Justine Alley Dowsett and Murandy Damodred. You'll find info on the series below as well as a giveaway to win your choice of books from the series, so be sure to check that out… Continue reading *Spotlight* and #Giveaway Mirror’s Despair by Justine Alley Dowsett and Murandy Damodred Published by @MirrorWorldPub Tour by @Saphs_Books
Category: Blog Tour
*Book Tour* A Spectacle of Souls by Jessica Julien @jjulienauthor Excerpt and #Giveaway. Tour by Rockstar Book Tours @RockstarBkTours
Hello awesome readers. We have another book tour today! Today we are featuring, A Spectacle of Souls by Jessica Julien. With this blitz we have an excerpt and a giveaway for a $10 Amazon gift card & a copy of the eBook courtesy of Rockstar Book Tours. So if you’d like a chance to win,… Continue reading *Book Tour* A Spectacle of Souls by Jessica Julien @jjulienauthor Excerpt and #Giveaway. Tour by Rockstar Book Tours @RockstarBkTours
*Book Tour* Neon Drops by M. Sinclair @writes_sinclair Excerpt and #Giveaway! Tour by Rockstar Book Tours @RockstarBkTours
Hello awesome readers, we have a very cool book blitz today for the newly released, Neon Drops by M. Sinclair. Find more information about the book below. This blitz also includes a giveaway for a $10 Amazon gift card courtesy of Rockstar Book Tours & M. So if you’d like a chance to win, check… Continue reading *Book Tour* Neon Drops by M. Sinclair @writes_sinclair Excerpt and #Giveaway! Tour by Rockstar Book Tours @RockstarBkTours
*Cover Reveal* Unwritten by Alicia J. Novo @aliciajnovo
Hello awesome readers! We have another blog tour today, this time to reveal a new cover! Isn't this one just absolutely stunning!?!! Read on to learn more about this upcoming YA Fantasy novel! Unwritten Alicia J. Novo Publication date: November 14th 2020 Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult Books whisper to Beatrix Alba. But they aren’t the… Continue reading *Cover Reveal* Unwritten by Alicia J. Novo @aliciajnovo
*Blog Tour* Prodigal by Samantha Sanchez. Giveaway & Excerpt Tour by @YABoundToursPR
Hello awesome readers and welcome to my stop on the blog tour for Prodigal by Samantha Sanchez! Prodigal by Samantha Sanchez Genre: YA Contemporary/Urban Fiction Release Date: March 2018 Summary: “There was a voice in my head that told me to walk away, let it go and another voice tellin me that all I’d… Continue reading *Blog Tour* Prodigal by Samantha Sanchez. Giveaway & Excerpt Tour by @YABoundToursPR
*Book Blitz Blog Tour* TENTH STEM by Mary Cook @tootiehead Tour by @RockstarBkTours
Hello awesome readers! Today I'm participating in a book tour for TENTH STEM by Mary Cook. This blitz also includes a giveaway for a $10 Amazon gift card courtesy of Rockstar Book Tours & Mary. So if you’d like a chance to win, check out the giveaway info below. About The Book: Title: TENTH STEM Author: Mary… Continue reading *Book Blitz Blog Tour* TENTH STEM by Mary Cook @tootiehead Tour by @RockstarBkTours
Blog Tour & Book Review — The Krome Kids by Chloe Tew. Tour by @YABoundToursPR
The Krome Kids Summary: Janet, Rita, Jimmy, Finn and Kimberley are used to feeling unsafe and without protection. But when their parents leave them, they learn what it's truly like to be alone in the world. Amazon | Goodreads Blog Tour Organized By: YA Bound Book Tours Author: Chloe Tew Genre: YA Contemporary Fiction, Short… Continue reading Blog Tour & Book Review — The Krome Kids by Chloe Tew. Tour by @YABoundToursPR
*Book(s) Blitz* The Abyss Trilogy by A.C. Ward. Read an Excerpt and enter the #giveaway contest! Tour by @XpressoTours
Avoiding the Abyss A.C. Ward (The Abyss Trilogy, #1) Publication date: November 19th 2019 Genres: Dystopian, Fantasy, Young Adult Aubrey has always been told she isn’t special. If only that had remained true. Aubrey grew up as part of the rebel movement, protected but lonely. All she wants is her mother’s love, but without an… Continue reading *Book(s) Blitz* The Abyss Trilogy by A.C. Ward. Read an Excerpt and enter the #giveaway contest! Tour by @XpressoTours
*Book Blitz* Million Miles Away by Alice Bane. Excerpt & #Giveaway Tour by @XpressoTours
Million Miles Away Alice Bane (Million Miles, #1) Publication date: October 5th 2019 Genres: New Adult, Romance, Science Fiction For the past year, sleep paralysis has been little more than a thorn in Natalia’s side. That is, until she meets Korin, a strange but beautiful alien being who makes her question everything she knows about… Continue reading *Book Blitz* Million Miles Away by Alice Bane. Excerpt & #Giveaway Tour by @XpressoTours

*Book Blitz* Prince Poison by Klarissa King @klarissaking1 Excerpt & #Giveaway Tour by @XpressoTours
Prince Poison Klarissa King (Gods and Monsters #1) Publication date: October 1st 2019 Genres: Fantasy, New Adult “I can tear your throat out right here,” he said, his voice a hushed whisper of threats and spilled blood. “I could kill you a thousand different ways where you sit.” The nail cut deeper. Blood beaded, then… Continue reading *Book Blitz* Prince Poison by Klarissa King @klarissaking1 Excerpt & #Giveaway Tour by @XpressoTours
*Book Blitz* Marrow Charm by Kristin Jacques #Giveaway & Excerpt Tour with @XpressoTours
Marrow Charm Kristin Jacques Publication date: October 1st 2019 Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult ‘In his pursuit of the occult, the Third Reich opened the Gate to a realm of magic and brought the world to ruin. The Gate was eventually closed, but They were already in our world and They were hungry.’ -The Lost History,… Continue reading *Book Blitz* Marrow Charm by Kristin Jacques #Giveaway & Excerpt Tour with @XpressoTours
*Book Blitz* Knight Rising by Jason Hamilton @StoryHobbit Tour by @XpressoTours
Knight Rising Jason Hamilton (The Faerie Queen #1) Publication date: September 30th 2019 Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult Do not wander in cursed lands alone… Una wants only one thing, to find and kill the dragon that drove her out of her childhood home in the heart of Arthurian Britain. When a handsome knight frees her… Continue reading *Book Blitz* Knight Rising by Jason Hamilton @StoryHobbit Tour by @XpressoTours
*Cover Reveal* Starlight By Pagan Malcolm Tour by @XpressoTours
Starlight Pagan Malcolm Published by: The Parliament House Publication date: December 10th 2019 Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult A treaty upholds the peaceful lands of Ersarence— who have suffered from the spilt blood of their humble goddess, Titania, which stains the hands of the ruthless Urenphians. Julian Rancewood— a small town delivery boy— wishes he could… Continue reading *Cover Reveal* Starlight By Pagan Malcolm Tour by @XpressoTours
*Book Blitz* Unintentional Obsession by Layla Stone @laylathewriter Tour by @XpressoTours
Unintentional Obsession Layla Stone (Lotus Adaamas Series #2) Publication date: September 25th 2019 Genres: Adult, Romance, Science Fiction Every year Shine visits his mother’s grave. No one has ever dared to interrupt his day of sorrow. Except today. An old enemy stops by, not to pay his respects but to demand Shine take in a… Continue reading *Book Blitz* Unintentional Obsession by Layla Stone @laylathewriter Tour by @XpressoTours
(REVIEW) Blog Tour — Just in Case by Laura McHale Holland @lauramchh. #Giveaway! Tour by @XpressoTours
Just in Case: Twenty-one Bite-sized Stories Laura McHale Holland Publication date: August 17th 2019 Genres: Adult, Contemporary Imagine a world where shadows of enchantment instantly render ordinary experiences eerie, terrifying or sublime, and where the unexpected becomes the norm. The twenty-one micro stories in Laura McHale Holland’s Just in Case comprise such a place: a… Continue reading (REVIEW) Blog Tour — Just in Case by Laura McHale Holland @lauramchh. #Giveaway! Tour by @XpressoTours