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Blog Tour & Book Review — The Krome Kids by Chloe Tew. Tour by @YABoundToursPR

The Krome Kids

the krome kids


Janet, Rita, Jimmy, Finn and Kimberley are used to feeling unsafe and without protection. But when their parents leave them, they learn what it’s truly like to be alone in the world.

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Blog Tour Organized By:
YA Bound Book Tours

Author: Chloe Tew
Genre: YA Contemporary Fiction, Short Story
Format Read for Review: Free e-book provided by an author/publisher/tour host.


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The Krome Kids is a short story about 5 siblings who go in search of their missing parents only to find it difficult to get anywhere, get enough food, and find a safe place to sleep. I like the way the perspective switched from each sibling starting with the oldest, Janet who is 13 years old and ending with Kimmy who is 5. The children were very sympathetic characters each with their own unique personality that comes through when we see each stage of the journey being told from a new point of view. I felt really bad for them and the lack of kindness they received from every adult they encountered. I like to believe that wouldn’t be the reality in the real world. The good thing was they maintained such a hopeful attitude and stayed focused on goals to reunite their family; despite how terrible their situation was. Sadly the ending left me in limbo. I would love to know more about where their parents were and if life will get better for these kids soon, but unfortunately the story only spans roughly 2 days with 5ish days of backstory mentioned. Toward the end there was a twist thrown in and I really thought things were going to change for them but it got left up in the air upon a quick ending where only the youngest child seems to find some sort of resolution.

reviewed by O sm

2 thoughts on “Blog Tour & Book Review — The Krome Kids by Chloe Tew. Tour by @YABoundToursPR

  1. quirkymoms486 says:

    Sounds really interesting!! Great review 🙂

    1. odbookreviews says:

      Thank you 🤗