Memes & Tags

#FaeFriday Sept. 18, 2020

Hello awesome readers, I’m excited to be doing #FaeFriday for the first time today! This tag is hosted by Caffeinated Fae, the rules and upcoming prompts can be found here. Thank you to Kristy for creating the tag and letting us use the banner image!

Here is this week’s prompt:

Did you know that faeries have excellent manners but hate being thanked? That is why the prompt this week is: Do you read the acknowledgment section in the books you’re read and why?

Graphic showing thankful words around a candle.

I’m looking forward to reading other people’s responses to the prompt this week, and please comment below with your thoughts! I’ll just be honest, I don’t read the Acknowledgment section 100% of the time, or even 100% of it. If it’s brief I’ll read it, like I always read the quick dedications in the beginning but the acknowledgment section in the back is more hit or miss. Sometimes it’s particularly moving or insightful and worth reading. But since it’s often personal and between people I don’t know, if it’s long I’ll skim it at best or not finish reading it. In the last book I finished, the acknowledgements in the back were 6 pages on my kindle so I read the first part about the background of the story (and that was very interesting) but then quit reading when the author started thanking individuals by name. I hope that doesn’t make me a terrible person, haha! I guess when I finish a book I’m just eager to get on with my finished book ritual. I know if I ever wrote a book myself I’d start reading that section more! You know, for research purposes.

So what do you do? Do you stop at “The End” like I am sometimes guilty of, or do you read the lovingly prepared acknowledgments and gain hidden insights?

4 thoughts on “#FaeFriday Sept. 18, 2020

  1. Rae Longest says:

    I always read the acknowledgements. It tells me more about the author and his/her sources.

    1. odbookreviews says:

      I’m not surprised! I can tell from your posts that you are a fantastic and diligent reader!

  2. CaffeinatedFae says:

    I typically skim the acknowledgment sections. If I do know the author personally I will read them though. Thanks for joining in!!!

    1. odbookreviews says:

      It sounds like we are a lot alike in that way.
      I’m looking forward to doing the future prompts!