
We’ve finally joined WordPress!

Hello WordPress World!

I am so excited to be here. We’ve had our book blog over on blogger since 2013 and I’ve been meaning to join up over here for a while. It finally feels like the right time! If you want to see all our past reviews and other miscellaneous bookish posts you can view our blogger blog here. I still have many posts planned to go up there and will be using both blogs for now. I have a lot of work to do to make a home here and I have no immediate plans of phasing out the Blogspot page just yet (after all it is my first-blog-child).

Onto the good stuff, what this blog will be about:

We post book reviews, interviews, guest posts, book tours, excerpts, free/sale books, book awards, and of course giveaways!

Books are reviewed by the mother-daughter team of D and O. We each have our own genre preferences (which can be found on the review policy page) and we’ve been reading and reviewing indie books for years to support new and self-published authors!

I can’t wait to meet more book fiends here on WordPress and I wish you all happy reading,


9 thoughts on “We’ve finally joined WordPress!

  1. alwaystrustinbooks says:

    Congratulations on moving your blog to WordPress! The blog looks great.

    1. odbookreviews says:

      Thank you & thank you for helping me make this choice!

  2. Cathy says:

    Welcome to WordPress 🙂 and thanks for following my blog

    1. odbookreviews says:

      Thank you!

  3. Jordan @ The Heart of a Book Blogger says:

    Welcome to WordPress! I’ve been using it for 2+ years now and love it!

    1. odbookreviews says:

      Thank you!

  4. Rae Longest says:

    LOVE the idea of a mother/daughter blog! Two points of view for the price of one! I had my Advanced Writing students blog last semester, and a twenty year old paired up with a forty-something year old to create A Tale of Two Scholars to present a view of campus life from two very different perspectives. It was a huge success!

    1. odbookreviews says:

      Thank you!
      I could see how that would be a big success! Very interesting.
      Thank you so much for swinging by and all your kind comments!

      1. Rae Longest says:

        The pleasure is all mine–literally.