
(ENDED) *Giveaway* Signed Copy of The Bug Jar by Ava Black @jlightbody11 #PsychologicalThriller #Giveaway

Hello awesome readers and welcome to another awesome giveaway!

This contest will run from Oct. 14th to Nov. 4th, 12AM PST and is open to residents of North America.

And the prize is… *drum roll*… A signed copy of new psychological thriller,
The Bug Jar by Ava Black!

ava black the bug jar cover

More about the book and how to enter below!

Also, you can get another chance to win an e-copy in the Goodreads giveaway here.
Be sure to enter both contests and increase your chances of winning!

The Bug Jar by Ava Black


For make-up salesgirl Samantha Holland, life is a constant struggle to cling to reality. Her tenuous hold on sanity is exacerbated by a toxic affair with wealthy and powerful State Representative Richard Harrison, who gets sadistic pleasure toying with her already confused mind. But Sam comes closest to losing her grip when Harrison’s emotionally disturbed stepson is murdered—and the police suspect her. When Harrison tries to break off their relationship, Sam tries to save herself by piecing together patchy memories of what might be her own involvement in the killing. The truth she uncovers is more sinister than she could have imagined.

Read the first several chapters free in the sample on Amazon.

Follow this link to Enter The Giveaway

Signed Copy of The Bug Jar by Ava Black Hosted by O. D. Book Reviews

The winner will be e-mailed after Nov. 4th and must respond within 72 hours to claim the prize! Entering the contest is free and easy, you just have to visit our sites and so on! Claim as many entries as you can to increase your chance of winning! May the odds be ever in your favor!


(Sorry I cannot embed the giveaway widget, unfortunately WordPress doesn’t allow JavaScript w/o the highest package… someday. For now, please follow the link to enter.)

Ava Black


For years I watched bipolar disorder torment my kind, intelligent, professionally respected friend, while psychiatrists misdiagnosed and mismanaged her medications. After writing three books that couldn’t get an agent, she asked that I tell the story of her struggle through fiction. To honor her, I wrote a book called The Bug Jar. In it, the heroine suffers from a misdiagnosed mental illness, and is improperly medicated, but tries to navigate the complications that arise as she lives the life of a Chicago mayoral candidate’s mistress. When his step-son is murdered, and she is accused, she investigates, then faces the truth about herself. I hope The Bug Jar does my friend justice and that by reading it, people better understand the trauma and pain that people with mental illness endure.

ava black
Living in the deep woods of Wisconsin, Ava Black has been a fan of spine-tingling stories from a young age. Things that go bump in the night invigorate her to delve deeper into the human psyche and twist her characters lives into a chaotic mess that only the truly sane can untangle. Her psychological thriller THE BUG JAR, which is loosely based on her childhood friend’s struggle with bipolar disorder, launched in September of 2018 and received rave reviews from multiple award-winning authors. It became Centuries and Sleuths Bookstore’s (Chicago) bestselling novel of the month and continues to climb charts on Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and Kobo. Her short story “The Box” was recently published by Spinetingler Magazine and her crime fiction reviews and author interviews can be found at Crimepsree Magazine. She is a member of the Mystery Writers of America. Get connected at… or drop her a line at Avablackbooks at gmail dot com.


Official Site
Litsy: Ava_Black



11 thoughts on “(ENDED) *Giveaway* Signed Copy of The Bug Jar by Ava Black @jlightbody11 #PsychologicalThriller #Giveaway

  1. Burma Turner says:

    This sounds so good, I love psychological thrillers!

    1. odbookreviews says:

      It does, doesn’t it. Good luck!!

  2. My Poor TBR says:


    I’d like to start off by saying that I thought I was losing it. When I clicked on the link in the giveaway form to comment on the post, I assumed it was the interview post. Imagine my surprise and horror when I landed here and didn’t find the interview. For more than a split second, I thought I imagined the post. Or that I read the about the giveaway in another blogger’s post and was thanking you in a tweet meant for them. When I saw that I had liked this post, I just knew my sanity was in jeopardy. Then I saw the date. It initially filled me with more dread but turned out to be the key in figuring out the mystery. There are two posts 🙂

    This is what happens when you watch The Walking Dead, go to sleep and wake up after only two hours of sleep, in October 🙂

    I haven’t picked up a book to read since the 6th of October. I hope this doesn’t last much longer.

    Have An Amazing Day, O!


    1. odbookreviews says:

      Hey Victor!
      Dang, sorry for the confusion! We can certainly blame TWD and sleep deprivation in October for that. 🙂

      I hope you get out of your reading slump soon! I was in a bit of a slump last month, I think it was because I was reading too much of one genre, and I’m sure it didn’t help that it was all dreary horror.

      Good luck in the contest! Just under 2 weeks left!
      You have a wonderful day as well!

  3. Dolores Miranda says:

    Sounds amazing!I love psychological thrillers,so does my oldest daughter!

  4. Samantha Brown says:

    This sounds amazing!!! Thrillers are my all time favorite! Thank you for the chance!

    1. odbookreviews says:

      It ended up being a GREAT read! There will be another chance to win in just a few weeks starting Dec. 1st! This time 3 winners will get an e-copy (along with many other books)! Thanks for participating and best of luck in December!

    2. odbookreviews says:

      I looove thrillers too and bonus points for psychological thrillers as well told as this one! Thank you so much for entering! You’ll have another chance to win in our December giveaway, may the odds be ever in your favor!