#ShortReadsSaturdays · Reviews

#ShortReadsSaturdays (REVIEW) I Should Have Worn A Curtain By Samyra Alexander @SamyraTell

Hello awesome readers! Welcome to another Short Reads Saturday where I read and review one of the shorter books on my TBR list because, you know, it makes me feel productive! In all seriousness though this is my 20th #ShortReadsSaturday review, so in reality I have actually knocked a few books from my TBR! I… Continue reading #ShortReadsSaturdays (REVIEW) I Should Have Worn A Curtain By Samyra Alexander @SamyraTell


(CLOSED) 2nd Annual Reindeer Reads Giveaway. 3 Winners 14 books. Prizes by: @jlightbody11 @GlynisAstie @alexa_whitewolf @ChloeSunstone @JH_Moncrieff Michael Drakich & C.B. Collins + #Freebies to grab now!

That's right guys. It's time for another one of our famous huge giveaway contests with 3 lucky winners! This contest is open internationally and 3 winners will receive a big pile of e-books of various genres. Below you'll find more information on how to enter (it's free and easy) as well as details on all… Continue reading (CLOSED) 2nd Annual Reindeer Reads Giveaway. 3 Winners 14 books. Prizes by: @jlightbody11 @GlynisAstie @alexa_whitewolf @ChloeSunstone @JH_Moncrieff Michael Drakich & C.B. Collins + #Freebies to grab now!


(REVIEW) The Bug Jar by Ava Black @jlightbody11 #PsychologicalThriller #mentalhealthawareness #giveaway

Hey awesome readers. I'm excited to share my review of The Bug Jar by Ava Black. The mystery in this stunning psychological thriller kept me guessing til the end and I stayed up til 4AM one night to finish it because I just couldn't put it down! There is still 1 week left to win… Continue reading (REVIEW) The Bug Jar by Ava Black @jlightbody11 #PsychologicalThriller #mentalhealthawareness #giveaway


*Interview* Q&A with author, Ava Black @jlightbody11 Talking about her thriller The Bug Jar, writing, and mental health awareness!

Hello awesome readers I am so excited to share with you my interview with author, Ava Black. She recently released a psychological thriller called The Bug Jar, which you could currently win a signed copy of here, and an e-copy here. O's Interview With Ava Black O: Hello Ava, thank you so much for joining… Continue reading *Interview* Q&A with author, Ava Black @jlightbody11 Talking about her thriller The Bug Jar, writing, and mental health awareness!


(ENDED) *Giveaway* Signed Copy of The Bug Jar by Ava Black @jlightbody11 #PsychologicalThriller #Giveaway

Hello awesome readers and welcome to another awesome giveaway! This contest will run from Oct. 14th to Nov. 4th, 12AM PST and is open to residents of North America. And the prize is… *drum roll*… A signed copy of new psychological thriller, The Bug Jar by Ava Black! More about the book and how to… Continue reading (ENDED) *Giveaway* Signed Copy of The Bug Jar by Ava Black @jlightbody11 #PsychologicalThriller #Giveaway

Book Spotlight · Guest Post

Guest Post by Robert Eggleton @roberteggleton1 “Child Maltreatment and Futuristic Technologies”

Hello wonderful readers. Today I have a great guest post for you from an author who donates half of his book proceeds to the prevention of child maltreatment. Please enjoy the following guest post by Robert Eggleton and find below more info about his cool book, Rarity from the Hollow. (Still a few days left… Continue reading Guest Post by Robert Eggleton @roberteggleton1 “Child Maltreatment and Futuristic Technologies”

#ShortReadsSaturdays · Reviews

#ShortReadsSaturdays (REVIEW) Sleep by JK Neve @jkneveauthor — #horror short story

Welcome to another special October #ShortReadsSaturdays. Today's scary read was a really good one! Find it for 99p on Amazon or visit the author on Twitter and you might find a way to get it for free 😉 Sleep Author: JK Neve Category: Scary Short Story, Horror, Psychological Thriller, Suspense Suitable for: Teens+ My Rating:… Continue reading #ShortReadsSaturdays (REVIEW) Sleep by JK Neve @jkneveauthor — #horror short story


(REVIEW) The Reflections of Queen Snow White

The Reflections of Queen Snow White Author: David Meredith Category: Fantasy, Drama, Fairy Tales Retold Suitable for: Adults My Rating: 4 Stars Format Read for Review: Kindle copy provided by the author in return for an honest review. Pages: 155 Description: After happily ever after has come an gone an aging Snow White is losing herself to… Continue reading (REVIEW) The Reflections of Queen Snow White