
*Interview* Q&A with Kai Nicole author of Date Like A Woman @DateLikeAWoman @kainicole

Hello awesome readers, today I have a very cool interview for you with, Kai Nicole author of Date Like A Woman.
Blurb: This is the dating book Millennial women have been waiting for. It offers a fresh non-sexist perspective on dating and gives women the strategies they need for dating success. This book will revolutionize dating for women everywhere.
date like a woman
What is the overall theme of Date Like A Woman and what it means in a nutshell?
The overall theme of “Date Like A Woman” and what it means in a nutshell is to help women end unrealistic expectations in dating and replace them with new realistic ones. I strongly believe that those women reading “Date Like A Woman” will find a renewed sense of freedom through the freeing of their minds from sexist dating expectations and sexism in general. My intent is to help women understand that my unconventional approach to dating will allow them to learn about themselves, have a more successful dating life, enjoy the art of dating, and just be HAPPIER in general.

What do you hope readers will take away from this book?
I hope that readers will remember that as they navigate the dating world it is of utmost importance to date men who are “good for you.” There is nothing to be gained by holding on to situations that hurt you or that make you feel unsure or insecure. Our society, for example, teaches women to accept “toxic behaviors” as “love.” Never get hung up on someone who causes you pain when there are many more who can bring you joy.

Does this book contain dating advice your readers can act on?
Absolutely! I love this quote from one of the book’s reviewers that was posted on Goodreads. I think it sums it up:
“So, I’ve read Kai’s book a few months back. It seemed all of a sudden the perfect timing. Like the “Feast or Famine” chapter in the book, I can so relate to. All of a sudden they’re jumping up like “Whac-a-Moles” from all unexpected corners. Haha.”

What inspired you to write this book?
Social media…whenever perusing Twitter I would read tweets about how hard a time women were having finding suitable dates. I really could not understand what they were finding so difficult but as I kept reading I came to the conclusion that, in general, women have lists of “preferences” and “expectations” that can range from confusing to outlandish when it comes to dating. Also, I felt compelled to speak out, especially in view of the number of male “dating gurus” who spout the most sexist dating drivel; these male so-called experts, unfortunately, seem to be growing…and women seem compelled to listen to them.

Are you working on any other projects at the moment?
My thoughts have turned to another book, but just in the back of my mind, nothing concrete as yet.

Can you share with our readers a teaser quote from Date Like A Woman?
“Be honest. What type of man approaches you the most? Is he polite? Smart? Does he seem confident? Is he respectful in his approach? Or, is he rude and cocky? The concept of we are who we attract is very real. If you are constantly approached by men who you do not consider worthy of your attention then you need to figure out what signals you are sending out that makes these types of men attracted to you.”
Thank you so much for joining me today on the blog and telling us more about your book!

Kai nicole

Author Bio:

Kai Nicole holds degrees from Harvard University and Howard University School of Law.

She has worked in law, entertainment, technology (Silicon Valley), and has done business development consulting for multiple entrepreneurs.

A native Washingtonian, she has also lived in Boston and Atlanta. Kai is currently residing with her family in the suburbs of San Francisco.

Author & Book Links:

Official Site


One thought on “*Interview* Q&A with Kai Nicole author of Date Like A Woman @DateLikeAWoman @kainicole

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