Book Spotlight

New Release — The Reflecting Pool by Otho Eskin

Released today by Oceanview Publishing,


By Otho Eskin


In THE REFLECTING POOL Marko Zorn, a Washington, D.C. homicide detective with expensive tastes in art, classic cars, and women, must take on extra work—not always strictly legal, often unorthodox and usually dangerous—to supplement his income—work which requires his special combination of skill and steel nerves.

Although he’s skilled at navigating the corridors of law enforcement and the hideouts of criminal gangs, he’d prefer to stay home and watch old movies, enjoy his art collection, and listen to cool jazz.

When Zorn encounters the body of a Secret Service agent—a supposed drowning victim—it leads him to a domestic terrorist group with tentacles into the White House—a White House that does not want this death investigated. As the demands of his professional life escalate, Zorn’s alternate career heats up, placing him in the middle of competing D.C. crime bosses feuding over a shipment of illegal arms—making Zorn the hunted and the hunter. He needs to avoid becoming the victim as he navigates the twin forces of evil closing in on him from his legitimate job—facing down political power—and his secret side job.

E-book (June 23) and hardcover (October 6)

the reflecting pool a thriller by otho eskin book cover

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Otho Eskin author bio photoABOUT THE AUTHOR: A lawyer and former diplomat, Otho Eskin served in the U.S. Army and in the United States Foreign Service. He was Vice-Chairman of the U.S. delegation to the United Nations Conference on the Law of the Sea, participated in the negotiations on the International Space Station, was principal U.S. negotiator of several international agreements on seabed mining and was the U.S. representative to the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space. Eskin is active in the Washington theater scene and is a playwright whose work has appeared in New York, Washington D.C., and Europe. The Reflecting Pool is his debut novel. He lives with his wife in Washington, D.C.

Author Official Site


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