Book Spotlight

*Release Announcement* A Locket of No Particular Significance by Florien St John

Hello awesome readers, today I'm announcing the book-birthday of new epic fantasy, A Locket of No Particular Significance (The First Book of Weskerlee): A Whimsical Historical Fantasy of Faerie by Florien St John. This book is available in both Kindle e-book format and paperback. Free if you have KU, if not you can try Kindle… Continue reading *Release Announcement* A Locket of No Particular Significance by Florien St John

Book Spotlight

New Release — The Reflecting Pool by Otho Eskin

Released today by Oceanview Publishing, THE REFLECTING POOL By Otho Eskin   In THE REFLECTING POOL Marko Zorn, a Washington, D.C. homicide detective with expensive tastes in art, classic cars, and women, must take on extra work—not always strictly legal, often unorthodox and usually dangerous—to supplement his income—work which requires his special combination of skill and… Continue reading New Release — The Reflecting Pool by Otho Eskin

Book Spotlight

Released Today — All Hallows Eve by Michael Penning

Hello awesome readers. Today is an exciting day, a new book is born! All Hallows Eve is a thrilling tale of ghosts and witches, and a dangerous battle to reunite a family. This is the debut novel by screenwriter Michael Penning. Read on for more information or find it on Amazon by clicking here! Blurb: … Continue reading Released Today — All Hallows Eve by Michael Penning

Book Spotlight

Released Today: Lyssa Strata by Martti Nelson @MaladyMartti

Hello lovely readers. I am delighted to share this new book with you that was just released TODAY! LYSSA STRATA by Martti Nelson. A diverse modern take on the ancient Greek comedy Lysistrata. I personally cannot wait to dive into this book! You can read the first chapter by clicking here. Or find the whole… Continue reading Released Today: Lyssa Strata by Martti Nelson @MaladyMartti

Blog Tour · Book Spotlight · Excerpt · Giveaways

*Book Blitz w/ #Giveaway & Excerpt* Once Upon the Longest Night — Romantic Vampire Anthology

Once Upon the Longest Night Publication date: December 21st 2018 Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Romance The longest night. A vampire’s delight. The winter solstice, a time of birth and rebirth, life and death, waning light and rising darkness. A time when those who flee the sun and crave the taste of blood find their greatest solace.… Continue reading *Book Blitz w/ #Giveaway & Excerpt* Once Upon the Longest Night — Romantic Vampire Anthology

Book Spotlight

New Book Spotlight — Trafalgar by Nicholas Best @NickBestauthor @ThistleBooks

Hello awesome readers. Today I am announcing the paperback release of, Trafalgar. An action packed account of the most famous sea battle in history by historian and novelist Nicholas Best. "Trafalgar was not only a great sea battle, it saved Britain from invasion by Napoleon." Trafalgar: The Untold Story of the Greatest Sea Battle in… Continue reading New Book Spotlight — Trafalgar by Nicholas Best @NickBestauthor @ThistleBooks

Book Spotlight

New Release! Orphans of Liberty by Nathan S.M. Knapp @nathansmknapp

Hello awesome readers. I am pleased to announce the birth of a new book, Orphans of Liberty by Nathan S.M. Knapp. A dystopian thriller where citizens act as bounty hunters of terrorists. Find the blurb, trailer, links and more below! The United States nearly bankrupted itself fighting terrorism. Traditional law enforcement failed. In order to… Continue reading New Release! Orphans of Liberty by Nathan S.M. Knapp @nathansmknapp

Book Spotlight · Excerpt

Excerpt from upcoming #ChickLit Release: Girls’ Night Out by Glynis Astie @GlynisAstie (Psst there’s also a #Giveaway!)

Hello awesome readers. If you've been following along lately you already know about the super neat giveaway for Girls' Night Out, where 2 winners will get a copy AND a matching set of shot glasses! Be sure to get your free entries and come back for daily entries to increase your chances of winning! Today… Continue reading Excerpt from upcoming #ChickLit Release: Girls’ Night Out by Glynis Astie @GlynisAstie (Psst there’s also a #Giveaway!)

Blog Tour · Book Spotlight · Giveaways

*Book Blitz w/ #Giveaway* False Memory by Meli Raine @meliraineauthor Tour by @XpressoTours

Hello awesome readers. Welcome to my stop on the Book Blitz tour for recently released, False Memory by Meli Raine. I was first drawn to this tour by that stunning cover and then the interesting synopsis. I want to thank the author for including a complimentary copy of the book with this tour. I read… Continue reading *Book Blitz w/ #Giveaway* False Memory by Meli Raine @meliraineauthor Tour by @XpressoTours

Book Spotlight · Giveaways

(CLOSED) #Giveaway Time! Win an e-book and shot glasses! Celebrating new book Girls’ Night Out by Glynis Astie @GlynisAstie

Hello awesome readers. We got a really special giveaway contest for you today! Brought to you by one of my favorite authors, Glynis Astie for her upcoming new release! Two winners will receive an e-book of Girls' Night Out by Glynis Astie as well as matching shot glasses! The giveaway will run from Nov. 14th to… Continue reading (CLOSED) #Giveaway Time! Win an e-book and shot glasses! Celebrating new book Girls’ Night Out by Glynis Astie @GlynisAstie

Blog Tour · Book Spotlight · Giveaways

*Book Blitz w/ #Giveaway* New Release — Celestia: Unicorn Blessed Chronicles by Yumoyori Wilson @YumoyoriAuthor Tour by @XpressoTours

Celestia Yumoyori Wilson (Unicorn Blessed Chronicles #4) Publication date: November 11th 2018 Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Romance The Darkness is always portrayed as evil, but what if the Darkness simply wants to be accepted like any other element? To be…good and save humans and shifters alike? Celestia Rainbow goes from the lands of the living to… Continue reading *Book Blitz w/ #Giveaway* New Release — Celestia: Unicorn Blessed Chronicles by Yumoyori Wilson @YumoyoriAuthor Tour by @XpressoTours

Book Spotlight

*Release Announcement* Kept in the Dark by Arjay Lewis @arjaylewiswrite

Released yesterday on Halloween paranormal horror novel, Kept in the Dark by Arjay Lewis. Kept in the Dark Blurb: Chilling doomsday predictions. Demons from another dimension. Is one doctor's delusional patient really meant to save the world? Psychiatrist Sam Lucas doesn't mind letting his patients drone on and on as long as the money keeps… Continue reading *Release Announcement* Kept in the Dark by Arjay Lewis @arjaylewiswrite

Book Spotlight

*Release Announcement* Beastly Deception by Ashley Elliott @aelliott1321

Hello awesome readers. Hope you guys are ready to have an awesome Halloween tomorrow! Also happening tomorrow is the release of this new book, Beastly Deception by Ashley Elliott. Blurb: Sixteen-year-old twins, Iliana and Landon Hargreaves, born to a noble family in nineteenth century London, are taken away from the only life they knew by… Continue reading *Release Announcement* Beastly Deception by Ashley Elliott @aelliott1321

Blog Tour · Book Spotlight · Excerpt · Giveaways

*New Release + #Giveaway + Excerpt* Not So Wicked by T. A. Moorman @GothicMoms

  Not So Wicked by T. A. Moorman Published October 30, 2018 by GothicMoms Studios YA Paranormal/Urban Fantasy Synopsis: Caught in a realm they know next to nothing about, in a time where they're hated for not what they are but how they look, these supernatural teens may find it harder to curve their bloodlust… Continue reading *New Release + #Giveaway + Excerpt* Not So Wicked by T. A. Moorman @GothicMoms

Book Spotlight · Guest Post · Interviews

*Author Interview* w/ Hanleigh Bradley @HanleighBradley Author of new release, Cursed By The Crown.

Today we're taking a few minutes to talk to Hanleigh Bradley about her new release Cursed By The Crown. If you've not heard about the book yet, then you should definitely check it out. It's Hanleigh's first attempt at swapping genres. Instead of writing her usual Contemporary Romance, she's delving into a fantasy world where… Continue reading *Author Interview* w/ Hanleigh Bradley @HanleighBradley Author of new release, Cursed By The Crown.