
(REVIEW) Remember Me, Synthetica by K. Aten @WORDNRD68

Hello awesome readers! Today I have a review of a sapphic science fiction romance about true love and artificial intelligence. It’s a character driven story that didn’t neglect the sci-fi elements. There are creative fictional advancements in technology that will really make you think. I absolutely loved this book and have only good things to say about it so the TLDR is, if this premise sounds interesting to you then I highly recommend reading it! I’ll start this review off with the Blurb describing the story and then share my thoughts, let me know what you think and if you’ve read or will be reading Remember Me, Synthetica!


What happens when a woman loses her memory but gains a conscience?

Dr. Alexandra Turing is a roboticist whose intellect is unrivaled in the field of artificial intelligence. While science has always come easy, Alexandra struggles to understand emotional cues and responses. Driven by the legacy of her late great-uncle, she dedicates her life to the Synthetica project at her father’s company, Organic Advancement Solutions (OAS).​

Her life is rebooted when she wakes from a coma, six months after being struck by a car. Traumatic brain injury altered Alex’s senses, her memory, and her personality. Despite the changes, she feels reborn as she navigates her way back into her old life. Part of her new journey includes dating the alluring Doctor of Veterinary Medicine, Emily St. John.

Emily is enamored with the hyper-intelligent scientist, but there are things about Alex and OAS that don’t add up. With Emily’s prompting, Alex undergoes testing that leaves her with more questions than answers. What she discovers changes more than her life, it will change the world around her.

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Remember Me, Synthetica


Author: K. Aten
Genres: Science Fiction, Artificial Intelligence, F/F Romance, LGBTQ+ Representation, Diverse Representation, Humor, Comedy, HEA.
My Rating: 5 Stars
Pages: 276
Suitable for ages: Adults Only.
Release Date: May 7, 2020 (Paperback) July 1, 2020 (Kindle)
Format Read For Review: Kindle ARC provided by the author in exchange for an honest review. All opinions expressed here are my own.

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The Characters

This is a very character driven book with excellent dialogue. The dialogue is often incredibly funny and made me laugh many times. I didn’t expect such a comedy so that was a huge plus! I fell in love with the main character, Alex, quickly. She comes out of a coma a new person with no memory of the career obsessed person she was before and a new appreciation for food and people and other things her former self took for granted. Watching her acclimate to this new world was endearing. She’s a mature woman and a total genius yet there is an innocence to her. She’s a very unique character that doesn’t understand a lot of social cues and references, but takes guidance well and has a great sense of humor. You can’t not love her and feel for her as she tries to put the pieces together and get her life and her project back on track. She wants to create her Synthetic to pass the Turing test created by her grandfather.

The love interest, Emily, is a wonderful character. She’s a 40-something veterinarian who is compassionate, intelligent and witty enough to keep up with our protagonist. I was instantly #TeamEmily. The respectful yet passionate depiction of their relationship is pure gold and a f/f romance you wont want to miss. Her friends and coworkers are all distinct and interesting characters. There are all these little details that brings them to life and make them individuals. Her best friend in particular is a wonderfully crafted character. The cast is diverse, and in a really respectful and realistic way that I felt was a good depiction of the beautiful variety of people you see in the real world.

The Science

The science in this book is incredible. It appears to be very well researched and is intelligently written. The aspects of science fiction, and the many robotics breakthroughs that are described in the process of making their Synthetica are fascinating but also easy enough to comprehend and visualize. As I read this book I definitely saw the entire thing play out in my head like a movie. I loved the way the science ties into the plot, especially as the story progresses and the scheming begins. It’s a book that will make you think and stay with you. I enjoyed the ride this story took me on, delighting in the dramatic irony, but the epilogue surprised me and was a fantastic conclusion to an already awesome story.

The Romance

The love story is so sweet. This is definitely one of my top romance books EVER read. I fell in love with Alex and Emily as a couple and started cheering for them immediately. The romance has a really nice pace that is realistic. I loved that they didn’t rush into things even with a strong initial attraction. The author handled the protagonists unique situation and vulnerabilities really well. Nothing bugs me more than stories where a character engages in sexual acts too soon after a traumatic event. So, I’m so glad her situation and feelings were treated in a realistic way and met with so much kindness and patience from Emily. The pace of their relationship wasn’t too slow to make you bored. It steadily evolves and isn’t without hurdles but there is also a ton of love, learning, and sweetness. I wont spoil anything for you but I’ll tell you it turns into a delightfully steamy read that I would suggest is only for adults.


Reviewed by O

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2 thoughts on “(REVIEW) Remember Me, Synthetica by K. Aten @WORDNRD68

  1. EmmabBooks says:

    This sounds great. Thanks for your comments on The Science, which have made me put this on my TBR pile.

    1. odbookreviews says:

      I hope you love it as much as I did! I’d love to hear what you think when you get to it!