
(REVIEW) Fairy Eyeglasses by Emily Martha Sorensen

I know I missed #ShortReadsSaturdays so here is a short read on Sunday!


Fairy Eyeglasses

Fairy Senses Book 1

Emily Marth Sorensen
Category: Children’s chapter books, Fantasy, Fae, Short Story
Suitable for: All Ages, ideal for ages 6-10.
My Rating: 3.5 Stars
Format Read for Review: Free kindle book.
Pages: 63

Description: A little girl named Cassie accidentally puts on someone else’s glasses in the bathroom at a sleepover. At first she can’t tell the difference between these glasses and hers. But then she discovers these glasses let her see Fairies.

In Short: A cute story about fairies and a little girl trying to find a way to communicate with each other. I recommend this book to small children who like fairies.

Pros: It was a cute story that was descriptive and interesting. There was a bit about the way vision works (rods and cones) that was educational. The story was fast paced and had a happy ending. I liked that her parents were loving, and supportive of her crazy mission.

Cons: I thought the plot was a little weak, like the book was talking down to the age group. There was a lot of buildup to her quest and then a disappointing climax as far as the interaction with the fae went. There were some plot holes in the story, dialogue, and with the parents.


reviewed by O

2 thoughts on “(REVIEW) Fairy Eyeglasses by Emily Martha Sorensen

  1. sjhigbee says:

    I do like the premise — is there also a chance that this story is particularly aimed at young girls who wear glasses? It’s a shame that it ends up talking down to the young readers and many thanks for sharing your review.

    1. odbookreviews says:

      It’s possible, the glasses practically give her a superpower! Vision is a big part of the story. The glasses only seem to work for those who are far-sighted. They also touch on near-nearsightedness, reading glasses, color vision. At the start there is the big mystery of who the glasses could belong to which causes the children to list all their classmates who wear glasses. They don’t place any stigma on wearing glasses. And Cassie isn’t teased for it even though she is the new girl who doesn’t have a lot of friends yet. I think the story had a lot of potential so I hope it picks up in the sequels where different kids use different items to try to “sense” the fairies.
      Thank you so much for stopping by!