Memes & Tags

Teaser Tuesday ~ Nov. 6, 2018 ~ Ice Rift by Ben Hammott @BenHammott #RRSciFiMonth #TeaserTuesday

Welcome to Teaser Tuesday, a Meme, created by The Purple Booker, that wants you to add books to your TBR, or just share what you are currently reading. It is very easy to play along: — Grab your current read — Open to a random page — Share two (2) “teaser” sentences from somewhere on that… Continue reading Teaser Tuesday ~ Nov. 6, 2018 ~ Ice Rift by Ben Hammott @BenHammott #RRSciFiMonth #TeaserTuesday

Book Spotlight · Interviews

*Author Interview* w/ Varun Sayal @vsa2 author of Time Crawlers #scifi Short Story Anthology

Hello awesome readers. Got a real treat for you today. An interview with Varun Sayal the engineer turned author who wrote, Time Crawlers. Time Crawlers is a short story anthology with sci-fi themes including: dark AI, psychics, alien invasions and my favorite: time travel! I have this on my TBR and am looking forward to… Continue reading *Author Interview* w/ Varun Sayal @vsa2 author of Time Crawlers #scifi Short Story Anthology

Blog Tour · Cover Reveal

Cover Reveal + Bonus Surprise Reveal! The Lost Savior by Siobhan Davis @siobhandavis @lolasblogtours

Today is the cover reveal for The Lost Savior by Siobhan Davis. This cover reveal is organized by Lola's Blog Tours. The Lost Savior (Alinthia #1) By Siobhan Davis Genre: Paranormal Romance/ Reverse Harem Age category: upper Young Adult / New Adult Release Date: 30 January 2018 Blurb: They came from another world to protect… Continue reading Cover Reveal + Bonus Surprise Reveal! The Lost Savior by Siobhan Davis @siobhandavis @lolasblogtours