
(REVIEW) Alien Love Song by AK Dawson @andrewkdawson

Alas, I have reviewed the sequel to Alien Love Story. As you may remember I really enjoyed book 1 but had a MAJOR issue with the ending. You can read all about that in the review of Alien Love Story here. Alien Love Song was a fantastic conclusion to the series and I am so glad I got to read it and I recommend it to anyone else intrigued by the premise.


Alien Love Song

(Alien Love Story Book 2)

Category: Science Fiction, Comedy, Alien, Romance, YA/NA
Suitable for: Teens+ (see Parent’s Guide)
My Rating: 5 Stars
Format Read for Review: Kindle copy provided by the author in return for an honest review.
Pages: 156

Description: Taking up where Alien Love Story left off, teenage boy Dan and alien girl Alexander are in danger. This is the tale of their bizarre adventure to escape both humans and aliens with ill intentions and fall in love in the process. A humorous action-adventure sci-fi romance.

“Heaven is being locked in a room with just you and a laptop. Hell is that same room without an internet connection.”

In Short: It’s a weird sci-fi tale full of action, adventure, and humor all on top of a sweet love story. There are spaceships, alien weapons, superpowers, evil villains and a bizarre alien race. I strongly suggest getting both book 1 and 2 and reading them back to back to get the full effect. I recommend this to anyone who likes sci-fi comedy.

“‘Don’t you follow the news?’
‘We’re too busy making the news.'”

Pros: This sequel resolved every issue I had with book one, Alien Love Story. Most importantly, the ending was fantastic! It had a beautiful conclusion and it even had some twists in it. Overall, really fun ride! My issues with our hero, Dan, are resolved as his character develops from an reckless boy to a wiser more thoughtful 16 year old. He was way more likable in this book and oh my gosh, his journey is crazy. You can’t help but root for him at every turn. The grandma and Tony play a much bigger role in this story and their own personal adventures were a nice touch and really interesting. The love story between Dan and Alexander was full of realistic ups and downs and really ended up being a sweet story. Alexander’s backstory is way more flushed out and some crazy details about her past and even about her alien race are revealed. These details are incredibly creative and interesting. You get to meet a lot more aliens in this book (and see lots of alien extras wandering around) which is awesome. This book is also very funny. There is comedy everywhere. In things the characters say and do, to all the wild plot turns and even the variety of weird enemies that appear along the way. The secret spy base for example reminded me of 1960s Batman, how everything was labeled. I read this book very quickly because I couldn’t put it down (I only took forever to review it). It felt very complete. Great conclusion for the series.

“…he let himself have a quick glance at her. But then he looked away. Because he had his pride. And then he stole another glance, because he didn’t have that much pride.”

Cons: I have no notable issues with this book.

“‘And when life threatens you with hot water, what do you do?’
‘Make tea,’ Dan suggested.”

Parent’s Guide: Nudity, kissing and non-graphic sex. Violence and gore. Use of edible cannabis products. I could have just said pot brownies. They eat pot brownies.

“All he knew was that he was lost in music that was flowing through him from some other place and


reviewed by O sm


6 thoughts on “(REVIEW) Alien Love Song by AK Dawson @andrewkdawson

  1. sjhigbee says:

    Ooo… I LOVE the sound of this one, OD. It sounds lovely — though clearly both need to be read fairly closely.

    1. odbookreviews says:

      Yea they are both quick reads (novella length) and I think it would be best just to read them back to back to keep the story flowing. Even if you did take a break between them though, you would’t be lost because book 2 does a tidy job of explaining anything you may have missed from book 1. I flew through these. Super fun reads!
      Thanks so much for stopping by, SJ! I was going to send you a link because I promised I’d let you know how the sequel was but it looks like you beat me to it 🙂

      1. sjhigbee says:

        And I’ve just gone and bought them:))

        1. odbookreviews says:

          Nice, I hope you enjoy them! I’d love to hear what you think of them

          1. sjhigbee says:

            I’m looking forward to tucking into them during the Christmas break:)