#ShortReadsSaturdays · Reviews

(REVIEW) Dr. Herbert West & Astounding Tales of Medical Malpractice by Bruce Brown #ShortReadsSaturdays

Hello awesome readers. Today I'm doing another Short Reads Saturdays where I knock out a review for one of the shorter books on my TBR pile. Today's book is a really fun one. A graphic novel about a child genius who causes catastrophes with his mad science wherever he goes. I hope you enjoy my… Continue reading (REVIEW) Dr. Herbert West & Astounding Tales of Medical Malpractice by Bruce Brown #ShortReadsSaturdays

Book Spotlight

Released Today — All Hallows Eve by Michael Penning

Hello awesome readers. Today is an exciting day, a new book is born! All Hallows Eve is a thrilling tale of ghosts and witches, and a dangerous battle to reunite a family. This is the debut novel by screenwriter Michael Penning. Read on for more information or find it on Amazon by clicking here! Blurb: … Continue reading Released Today — All Hallows Eve by Michael Penning

Blog Tour · Book Spotlight · Excerpt · Giveaways

*Book Blitz* Marrow Charm by Kristin Jacques #Giveaway & Excerpt Tour with @XpressoTours

Marrow Charm Kristin Jacques Publication date: October 1st 2019 Genres: Fantasy, Young Adult ‘In his pursuit of the occult, the Third Reich opened the Gate to a realm of magic and brought the world to ruin. The Gate was eventually closed, but They were already in our world and They were hungry.’ -The Lost History,… Continue reading *Book Blitz* Marrow Charm by Kristin Jacques #Giveaway & Excerpt Tour with @XpressoTours

Book Spotlight

*Release Announcement* Kept in the Dark by Arjay Lewis @arjaylewiswrite

Released yesterday on Halloween paranormal horror novel, Kept in the Dark by Arjay Lewis. Kept in the Dark Blurb: Chilling doomsday predictions. Demons from another dimension. Is one doctor's delusional patient really meant to save the world? Psychiatrist Sam Lucas doesn't mind letting his patients drone on and on as long as the money keeps… Continue reading *Release Announcement* Kept in the Dark by Arjay Lewis @arjaylewiswrite

Excerpt · Reviews

(REVIEW) Land of Bones by Glenn Rolfe @GRolfeHorror — 14 Tales of the Strange and Macabre #ihba @freeman_ac

A fun horror anthology with a variety of monsters, some new and some a twist on the familiar. I devoured this read quickly and enjoyed every minute of it. Each story is like a dark little mystery that unveils itself in new and shocking ways. If you like short story anthologies and horror you can't pass this one up… Read on to see the full review…


(REVIEW) Lizzie Borden, Zombie Hunter by C.A. Verstraete #ihba #ZombieHorror

Hello awesome readers. Let's kick off October with the first of many HORROR reads! The following review is… brutally honest. Overall it was an entertaining read with some room for improvement. If you are planning on reading this book stop reading this review at the old-timey photos to avoid a few lil spoilers. Lizzie Borden,… Continue reading (REVIEW) Lizzie Borden, Zombie Hunter by C.A. Verstraete #ihba #ZombieHorror


(REVIEW) Monsters in the Clouds by Russell James @RRJames14 #ihba

Paleontologist Dr. Grant Coleman reluctantly agrees to venture into the Amazon rainforest as an expert for a mysterious company known as Transworld Union. They are looking for traces of modern day Apatosaurus after catching an image of one on film. After arriving in the Amazon they quickly realize they are in over their heads and that there are things hidden in this world that should never have been disturbed.


(REVIEW) FAT CAMP by James Sabata @JamesSabata #ihba

Since 1985, over 500 overweight teenagers have come to Camp Wašíču, looking to lose weight, gain self-confidence, and turn their lives around. Phillip McCracken arrives, weighing in at almost 400 pounds; but the baggage he carries from the past affects him much more deeply than the numbers of the scale. When a homicidal maniac hell-bent on revenge attacks, Phillip will be forced to either find the courage to save the people around him or fall victim to his own self-doubt…

Blog Tour · Book Spotlight · Cover Reveal

*Cover Reveal* Crossroads in the Dark IV: Ghosts by Various Authors. Ghostly short story anthology aiming for #SuicidePrevention awareness.

Crossroads in the Dark IV: Ghosts Series: Crossroads in the Dark Anthology, Volume 4 Genres: Horror, Thriller, Suspense Release Date: December 1, 2018 Cover Design: Bachman Designs Publisher: Burning Willow Press Pre-Order: Pre-orders will be available soon, sign up to be notified. You attend a funeral of a friend, one who decided that living was… Continue reading *Cover Reveal* Crossroads in the Dark IV: Ghosts by Various Authors. Ghostly short story anthology aiming for #SuicidePrevention awareness.