
Mini(REVIEW) Honger 2 by Terry M. West #ihba #indiehorror

The countdown to Halloween continues with more horror books!


Honger 2

honger 2Author: Terry M. West
Category: Horror, Short Story, Novelette
Suitable for: Adults Only
My Rating: 3 Stars
Format Read for Review: PDF copy provided for judgement in the Indie Horror Book Awards
Pages: 82 (Amazon) 32 (PDF)


Chloe is a drug addict and a prostitute that while in the throes of withdrawal is bit by a creature like a vampire but much more sinister. She finds her addiction has been replaced by an intense hunger for human flesh, muscle and viscera, but she aspires to (mostly) only eat evil people. She quickly satisfies her hunger on one scumbag after the next and plans her new life and new identity. Unfortunately that is the extent of the story. It felt like everything happened too easily, not much happened at all, and it lacked development. The horror elements were good, the idea of the creatures was cool, and it was plenty gruesome, though not scary at all. I did feel like I was missing out by not reading the first book. I really couldn’t get into the characters, they all had very little development. Only in the end did I start to enjoy Chloe’s character as she got some satisfying revenge for many unknown victims. Be warned that this book is very graphic and may be a difficult read for many. If you like a idea of a sort of anti-hero vigilante cannibal eating people, and don’t mind graphic content you might like this book. I would read more by the author, even if this one didn’t totally hit the spot for me. I thought it was well written, overall creative and I see a lot of potential.

Parent’s Guide: Very graphic blood, gore, violence, gun violence, and implied/off-screen sexual content (involving smut films, BDSM, torture, murder). Drug references. Only recommended for an adult audience. Trigger warnings: rape (attempted) and abuse.

reviewed by O sm