Blog Tour · Book Spotlight · Excerpt · Giveaways

*Book Blitz* Deck The Malls with Purple Peacocks by Amy Gettinger @AmyGettinger @lolasblogtours

This is my stop during the book blitz for Deck The Malls with Purple Peacocks by Amy Gettinger. This book blitz is organized by Lola's Blog Tours. The book blitz runs from 7 till 20 December. See the tour schedule here. Get this book for free! From 9 till 10 December and from 15 till… Continue reading *Book Blitz* Deck The Malls with Purple Peacocks by Amy Gettinger @AmyGettinger @lolasblogtours

Book Spotlight · Giveaways

Reindeer Reads Giveaway Contest by: @roberteggleton1 @KathrynG64 @marshacornelius @alexa_whitewolf @LjHurleyWriter @GenerousEd @RooiMacLeod & #Freebooks

Hello awesome readers! I'm excited to announce the First Annual Reindeer Reads Giveaway Contest! This year the contest will run from Dec. 2nd, 2017 to Jan. 2nd, 2018 at 12 am PST. Contest open internationally. Find descriptions of the prize books and enter below. I'm very sorry I've been so swamped recently and I've been doing a… Continue reading Reindeer Reads Giveaway Contest by: @roberteggleton1 @KathrynG64 @marshacornelius @alexa_whitewolf @LjHurleyWriter @GenerousEd @RooiMacLeod & #Freebooks


Bookish Halloween #Giveaway — Oct. 1 to Nov. 1

Hello all! Welcome to the second annual Bookish Halloween Giveaway contest! This year we have 7 amazingly awesome and generous authors giving their e-books to 3 winners! Contest open internationally. Ends midnight PST on Nov. 1, 2017. Entering is free and easy through Rafflecopter. No newsletter signups are required. Your e-mail is only needed to… Continue reading Bookish Halloween #Giveaway — Oct. 1 to Nov. 1


(REVIEW) Fairy Eyeglasses by Emily Martha Sorensen

I know I missed #ShortReadsSaturdays so here is a short read on Sunday! Fairy Eyeglasses Fairy Senses Book 1 Author: Emily Marth Sorensen Category: Children's chapter books, Fantasy, Fae, Short Story Suitable for: All Ages, ideal for ages 6-10. My Rating: 3.5 Stars Format Read for Review: Free kindle book. Pages: 63 Description: A little girl named… Continue reading (REVIEW) Fairy Eyeglasses by Emily Martha Sorensen

Book Spotlight · Guest Post · Interviews

Guest Post by Alexa Whitewolf & Free Book (Limited Time!)

Interview with Alexa Whitewolf What inspires you to get out of bed each day? My wonderful fiancé and my dogs 🙂 It's kind of hard to ignore two wet muzzles being shoved in your face repeatedly cause they wanna go for a walk! My husky & lab are gorgeous, but very spoiled. And on days… Continue reading Guest Post by Alexa Whitewolf & Free Book (Limited Time!)