Hello awesome readers. I'm excited to announce that The Assassin's Daughter just released today! Happy book birthday to this action-packed, thrilling supernatural novel! Fans of Buffy the Vampire Slayer and X-men won't want to miss this exciting tale of a young woman with a deadly secret trying to infiltrate a guild of vampire assassin's with… Continue reading New Release Today w/ Excerpt and #Giveaway! The Assassin’s Daughter by Shana Vernon @AuthorShanaV
Tag: kindle unlimited
*Book Blitz Blog Tour* TENTH STEM by Mary Cook @tootiehead Tour by @RockstarBkTours
Hello awesome readers! Today I'm participating in a book tour for TENTH STEM by Mary Cook. This blitz also includes a giveaway for a $10 Amazon gift card courtesy of Rockstar Book Tours & Mary. So if you’d like a chance to win, check out the giveaway info below. About The Book: Title: TENTH STEM Author: Mary… Continue reading *Book Blitz Blog Tour* TENTH STEM by Mary Cook @tootiehead Tour by @RockstarBkTours
First Lines Friday — May 29, 2020
Hey awesome readers, it's time for another First Lines Fridays, a weekly feature for book lovers hosted by Wandering Words that I discovered over at One More Chapter (be sure to check them both out). What if instead of judging a book by its cover, its author, or its prestige, we judged it by its opening lines?… Continue reading First Lines Friday — May 29, 2020
*New Release Book Spotlight* Cut Throat by Charlie Dalton
Hello awesome readers. Heads up, tomorrow the sequel to Cut & Run will be released. Cut Throat by Charlie Dalton is Book 2 in the Cut Off Series. If you're looking for some post-apocalyptic dystopian novels to make you feel better about our world check these out! What I'm grateful for today… electricity. Cut &… Continue reading *New Release Book Spotlight* Cut Throat by Charlie Dalton
*New Release Book Spotlight* The Nowhere Junction: The Rootin’ Tootin’ Dark Elf Shootin’ Sequel by Rhett Sinnema
Hello awesome readers. Got an announcement today about a brand spanking new book! The Nowhere Junction: The Rootin' Tootin' Dark Elf Shootin' Sequel by Rhett Sinnema was just released. This book follows closely behind Book 1 of the Spellbinder Saga, Artemis the Fey: A gun slingin' fantasy adventure, that was released last month. To avoid… Continue reading *New Release Book Spotlight* The Nowhere Junction: The Rootin’ Tootin’ Dark Elf Shootin’ Sequel by Rhett Sinnema

*Book Spotlight* Newly Released Box Set — Everville: Books 1-4 by Roy Huff @realroyhuff & #FreeBook!
Hello awesome readers. What have you been reading? Would you say you've gotten more reading down while in lockdown? Today, I'd like to share with you a newly released Fantasy box set, Everville: Books 1-4 by Roy Huff. I also have a link for you to get a free space opera short story. If you have… Continue reading *Book Spotlight* Newly Released Box Set — Everville: Books 1-4 by Roy Huff @realroyhuff & #FreeBook!
Released Today — All Hallows Eve by Michael Penning
Hello awesome readers. Today is an exciting day, a new book is born! All Hallows Eve is a thrilling tale of ghosts and witches, and a dangerous battle to reunite a family. This is the debut novel by screenwriter Michael Penning. Read on for more information or find it on Amazon by clicking here! Blurb: … Continue reading Released Today — All Hallows Eve by Michael Penning
*Cover Reveal* Last to Love by Alexa Whitewolf @alexa_whitewolf Cover by @AmmoniaCovers. Get book 1 free now!
Hello awesome readers! Thank you for joining us today as we reveal the beautiful cover for the upcoming release, Last to Love by Alexa Whitewolf. This is book #4 of the Moonlight Rogues series. To celebrate the new cover everyone can currently get book #1 for free and if you have Kindle Unlimited you can score… Continue reading *Cover Reveal* Last to Love by Alexa Whitewolf @alexa_whitewolf Cover by @AmmoniaCovers. Get book 1 free now!
New Book Spotlight — Trafalgar by Nicholas Best @NickBestauthor @ThistleBooks
Hello awesome readers. Today I am announcing the paperback release of, Trafalgar. An action packed account of the most famous sea battle in history by historian and novelist Nicholas Best. "Trafalgar was not only a great sea battle, it saved Britain from invasion by Napoleon." Trafalgar: The Untold Story of the Greatest Sea Battle in… Continue reading New Book Spotlight — Trafalgar by Nicholas Best @NickBestauthor @ThistleBooks
New Release! Orphans of Liberty by Nathan S.M. Knapp @nathansmknapp
Hello awesome readers. I am pleased to announce the birth of a new book, Orphans of Liberty by Nathan S.M. Knapp. A dystopian thriller where citizens act as bounty hunters of terrorists. Find the blurb, trailer, links and more below! The United States nearly bankrupted itself fighting terrorism. Traditional law enforcement failed. In order to… Continue reading New Release! Orphans of Liberty by Nathan S.M. Knapp @nathansmknapp
Release Day (REVIEW) Fountain Dead by Theresa Braun @tbraun_author YA Haunted House #Horror
Hello awesome readers. Today a fantastic new book was released into the world, Fountain Dead by Theresa Braun. I was really excited to read this book because another book by this author (Dead Over Heels) was one of my past Book of the Month winners. I was certainly not disappointed with this novel. It features… Continue reading Release Day (REVIEW) Fountain Dead by Theresa Braun @tbraun_author YA Haunted House #Horror

*Book Blitz w/ #Giveaway & Excerpt* Jaws of the Wolf by Charlotte Jardine Blog Tour by @XpressoTours
Jaws of the Wolf Charlotte Jardine (The Visigoth Chronicles, #1) Publication date: October 30th 2018 Genres: Historical, Romance, Young Adult He’s her father’s slave. She’s promised to another. But war changes everything. Tervingi Territory, 376 AD. Gelvira dreams of becoming a powerful jeweler. But the arrogant son of a tribal elder wants her for a… Continue reading *Book Blitz w/ #Giveaway & Excerpt* Jaws of the Wolf by Charlotte Jardine Blog Tour by @XpressoTours
*Book Blitz w/ #Giveaway & Excerpt* Daisy’s Run by Scott Baron @QuipShot. New Release for #RRSciFiMonth @SciFiMonth. Tour by @XpressoTours
Daisy’s Run Scott Baron (The Clockwork Chimera , #1) Publication date: November 14th 2018 Genres: Adult, Science Fiction Life in deep space could be a drag sometimes, but Daisy supposed things could have been worse. They were still alive, after all, which was always a plus in her book. Now if only she could figure… Continue reading *Book Blitz w/ #Giveaway & Excerpt* Daisy’s Run by Scott Baron @QuipShot. New Release for #RRSciFiMonth @SciFiMonth. Tour by @XpressoTours
(CLOSED) #Giveaway Time! Win an e-book and shot glasses! Celebrating new book Girls’ Night Out by Glynis Astie @GlynisAstie
Hello awesome readers. We got a really special giveaway contest for you today! Brought to you by one of my favorite authors, Glynis Astie for her upcoming new release! Two winners will receive an e-book of Girls' Night Out by Glynis Astie as well as matching shot glasses! The giveaway will run from Nov. 14th to… Continue reading (CLOSED) #Giveaway Time! Win an e-book and shot glasses! Celebrating new book Girls’ Night Out by Glynis Astie @GlynisAstie
Teaser Tuesday ~ Nov. 13, 2018 ~ Girls’ Night Out by Glynis Astie @GlynisAstie #TeaserTuesday
Hello awesome readers. I have a great Teaser Tuesday for you guys today on a book that you'll be able to win in a giveaway contest starting tomorrow!! Be sure to check back Nov. 14 to start earning your entries! Now on to it.. Welcome to Teaser Tuesday, a Meme, created by The Purple Booker, that… Continue reading Teaser Tuesday ~ Nov. 13, 2018 ~ Girls’ Night Out by Glynis Astie @GlynisAstie #TeaserTuesday