Book Spotlight

*Spotlight* Recently Released — Sixty Days Left: A Novel by Andrea Lechner-Becker @AndreaElbee

Hey awesome readers. You guys ready for some feels and inspiration? Check out this book by our very awesome guest reviewer, and author Andrea Lechner-Becker. Sixty Days Left: A Novel "Don’t wait until you know when your life will end to begin living it. Do it now.” Blurb: Almost 40% of Americans will receive a… Continue reading *Spotlight* Recently Released — Sixty Days Left: A Novel by Andrea Lechner-Becker @AndreaElbee

Product Reviews · Uncategorized

My New Journal from Soothi @ShopSoothi — Now, what to write?

I hope everyone had wonderful holidays, and Happy New Year! A new year, a new adventure! Today, I wanted to share this gift I got from Soothi. It is a beautiful handmade leather journal with the quote "In the end we'll all become stories." by Margaret Atwood embossed on the cover. The first thing I noticed… Continue reading My New Journal from Soothi @ShopSoothi — Now, what to write?

#ShortReadsSaturdays · Reviews

#ShortReadsSaturdays (REVIEW) Christmas Magic 1959 by Kathryn Meyer Griffith @KathrynG64 #holidayreading

Hello awesome readers. Welcome to a special Christmas edition of #ShortReadsSaturdays. Today I have a nice feel-good holiday short story to share with you that is by the wonderful, Kathryn Meyer Griffith who is currently giving away YOUR CHOICE of book in this giveaway contest: Reindeer Reads. Don't miss your chance to grab a bunch… Continue reading #ShortReadsSaturdays (REVIEW) Christmas Magic 1959 by Kathryn Meyer Griffith @KathrynG64 #holidayreading