#ShortReadsSaturdays · Reviews

#ShortReadsSaturdays (REVIEW) Sleep by JK Neve @jkneveauthor — #horror short story


Welcome to another special October #ShortReadsSaturdays. Today’s scary read was a really good one! Find it for 99p on Amazon or visit the author on Twitter and you might find a way to get it for free 😉




Author: JK Neve
Category: Scary Short Story, Horror, Psychological Thriller, Suspense
Suitable for: Teens+
My Rating: 4.5 Stars
Format Read for Review: Kindle mobi.
Pages: 22

Amazon Blurb: Ava can’t sleep. If I want to stay alive, neither should I.

Description: A woman’s struggle with insomnia puts a strain on her relationship, but is there something darker behind her inability to sleep?

“I can’t sleep. Why can’t I sleep?”

In Short: A short creepy psychological thriller that overall has a supernatural feel to it. I would highly recommend this story to those who like scary short stories. If you liked The Grudge/Ju-on and other movies like those, then you’ll enjoy this story.

Pros: I love this book. I think the story is really creative and haunting. I appreciated that there was a lot of realistic parts. The depictions of her insomnia and a panic attack were believable and sympathetic. The story had some great twists and turns and the ending was great. Overall this book is well written and made for a fast and fun read. I would definitely read more by this author.

“My desk, normally pristine, looks as if someone has lifted it up and slammed it down to the ground.”

Cons: I didn’t feel much love between the couple even in the early pages so I wasn’t too invested in what happened to them. I didn’t like that the boyfriend didn’t really try that hard to help and he really should have taken her to the hospital. He doesn’t do things for her because he wants to or because he cares it’s always only because he “should.” So, you see this sort of language a lot and he makes it very clear that he is always being fake and feigning interest. Because of this I thought he was a jerk and didn’t care what happened to him. All of these complaints are just my own opinions and I can also see how they were just part of the story which is why I really can’t take more than half a star from this book’s rating.

Parent’s Guide: Brief graphic and non-graphic scenes of violence. Gore factor is very low and there is no sexual content.


reviewed by O