Resurrection: Sign of Six Summer Lane (Resurrection Series #3) Publication date: December 7th 2018 Genres: Dystopian, New Adult The third installment in the hit survival series, following the adventures of Cassidy Hart! There are many words used to describe Cassidy Hart: President. General. Sniper. Soldier. Girl. Now, just one word echoes through her head: Infected.… Continue reading *Book Blitz w/ #Giveaway & Excerpt* Resurrection: Sign of Six by Summer Lane @SummerEllenLane Tour by @XpressoTours
Tag: new
*Book Blitz w/ #Giveaway & Excerpt* Shopping for a Baby’s First Christmas by Julia Kent @jkentauthor Tour by @XpressoTours
Shopping for a Baby’s First Christmas Julia Kent (Shopping, #15) Publication date: December 6th 2018 Genres: Adult, Comedy, Contemporary, Romance My mother wants all her kids and grandkids to spend Christmas Eve at her house and wake up on Christmas morning together. Sounds reasonable, right? And it would be. If it weren’t my mother. My… Continue reading *Book Blitz w/ #Giveaway & Excerpt* Shopping for a Baby’s First Christmas by Julia Kent @jkentauthor Tour by @XpressoTours
New Release! Orphans of Liberty by Nathan S.M. Knapp @nathansmknapp
Hello awesome readers. I am pleased to announce the birth of a new book, Orphans of Liberty by Nathan S.M. Knapp. A dystopian thriller where citizens act as bounty hunters of terrorists. Find the blurb, trailer, links and more below! The United States nearly bankrupted itself fighting terrorism. Traditional law enforcement failed. In order to… Continue reading New Release! Orphans of Liberty by Nathan S.M. Knapp @nathansmknapp
New Release — Willoughby’s Time & Space App by Jon Koons @JestmasterJon #RRSciFiMonth
Hello awesome readers, I am happy to announce the release of a new science fiction novel suitable for adults and teens that fans of The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy will want to check out! Released today Nov. 30th by Mindbender Press, Willoughby's Time & Space App by Jon Koon. Two Human Teens. One Intergalactic Resort. An Alien Pageant Under Attack. Time to Party!
New Release & Excerpt! Clarissa’s Warning by Isobel Blackthorn @IBlackthorn @CreativiaPub
Hello awesome readers. Tomorrow a new haunted house mystery, Clarissa's Warning by Isobel Blackthorn will be released! Good news to Kindle Unlimited subscribers who will be able to read this book for free! I have it on my TBR, if you read it I would love to hear what you think! Below you'll find an… Continue reading New Release & Excerpt! Clarissa’s Warning by Isobel Blackthorn @IBlackthorn @CreativiaPub
Excerpt from upcoming #ChickLit Release: Girls’ Night Out by Glynis Astie @GlynisAstie (Psst there’s also a #Giveaway!)
Hello awesome readers. If you've been following along lately you already know about the super neat giveaway for Girls' Night Out, where 2 winners will get a copy AND a matching set of shot glasses! Be sure to get your free entries and come back for daily entries to increase your chances of winning! Today… Continue reading Excerpt from upcoming #ChickLit Release: Girls’ Night Out by Glynis Astie @GlynisAstie (Psst there’s also a #Giveaway!)
Release Day (REVIEW) Fountain Dead by Theresa Braun @tbraun_author YA Haunted House #Horror
Hello awesome readers. Today a fantastic new book was released into the world, Fountain Dead by Theresa Braun. I was really excited to read this book because another book by this author (Dead Over Heels) was one of my past Book of the Month winners. I was certainly not disappointed with this novel. It features… Continue reading Release Day (REVIEW) Fountain Dead by Theresa Braun @tbraun_author YA Haunted House #Horror
*Book Blitz w/ #Giveaway* False Memory by Meli Raine @meliraineauthor Tour by @XpressoTours
Hello awesome readers. Welcome to my stop on the Book Blitz tour for recently released, False Memory by Meli Raine. I was first drawn to this tour by that stunning cover and then the interesting synopsis. I want to thank the author for including a complimentary copy of the book with this tour. I read… Continue reading *Book Blitz w/ #Giveaway* False Memory by Meli Raine @meliraineauthor Tour by @XpressoTours

*Book Blitz w/ #Giveaway & Excerpt* Jaws of the Wolf by Charlotte Jardine Blog Tour by @XpressoTours
Jaws of the Wolf Charlotte Jardine (The Visigoth Chronicles, #1) Publication date: October 30th 2018 Genres: Historical, Romance, Young Adult He’s her father’s slave. She’s promised to another. But war changes everything. Tervingi Territory, 376 AD. Gelvira dreams of becoming a powerful jeweler. But the arrogant son of a tribal elder wants her for a… Continue reading *Book Blitz w/ #Giveaway & Excerpt* Jaws of the Wolf by Charlotte Jardine Blog Tour by @XpressoTours
*Book Blitz w/ #Giveaway & Excerpt* Daisy’s Run by Scott Baron @QuipShot. New Release for #RRSciFiMonth @SciFiMonth. Tour by @XpressoTours
Daisy’s Run Scott Baron (The Clockwork Chimera , #1) Publication date: November 14th 2018 Genres: Adult, Science Fiction Life in deep space could be a drag sometimes, but Daisy supposed things could have been worse. They were still alive, after all, which was always a plus in her book. Now if only she could figure… Continue reading *Book Blitz w/ #Giveaway & Excerpt* Daisy’s Run by Scott Baron @QuipShot. New Release for #RRSciFiMonth @SciFiMonth. Tour by @XpressoTours
(CLOSED) #Giveaway Time! Win an e-book and shot glasses! Celebrating new book Girls’ Night Out by Glynis Astie @GlynisAstie
Hello awesome readers. We got a really special giveaway contest for you today! Brought to you by one of my favorite authors, Glynis Astie for her upcoming new release! Two winners will receive an e-book of Girls' Night Out by Glynis Astie as well as matching shot glasses! The giveaway will run from Nov. 14th to… Continue reading (CLOSED) #Giveaway Time! Win an e-book and shot glasses! Celebrating new book Girls’ Night Out by Glynis Astie @GlynisAstie
Teaser Tuesday ~ Nov. 13, 2018 ~ Girls’ Night Out by Glynis Astie @GlynisAstie #TeaserTuesday
Hello awesome readers. I have a great Teaser Tuesday for you guys today on a book that you'll be able to win in a giveaway contest starting tomorrow!! Be sure to check back Nov. 14 to start earning your entries! Now on to it.. Welcome to Teaser Tuesday, a Meme, created by The Purple Booker, that… Continue reading Teaser Tuesday ~ Nov. 13, 2018 ~ Girls’ Night Out by Glynis Astie @GlynisAstie #TeaserTuesday
*Book Blitz w/ #Giveaway* New Release — Celestia: Unicorn Blessed Chronicles by Yumoyori Wilson @YumoyoriAuthor Tour by @XpressoTours
Celestia Yumoyori Wilson (Unicorn Blessed Chronicles #4) Publication date: November 11th 2018 Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Romance The Darkness is always portrayed as evil, but what if the Darkness simply wants to be accepted like any other element? To be…good and save humans and shifters alike? Celestia Rainbow goes from the lands of the living to… Continue reading *Book Blitz w/ #Giveaway* New Release — Celestia: Unicorn Blessed Chronicles by Yumoyori Wilson @YumoyoriAuthor Tour by @XpressoTours
(Guest Post) Leaning into Absurdity: My Midwest Book Tour for I Animal By Kevin Del Principe @kevdelprincipe
Leaning into Absurdity: My Midwest Book Tour for I Animal By Kevin Del Principe Writing a book seemed absurd; in part, because I had never written one before. It also felt important. So I wrote a book called I Animal about an LA screenwriter from just outside Buffalo, New York who is forced to return… Continue reading (Guest Post) Leaning into Absurdity: My Midwest Book Tour for I Animal By Kevin Del Principe @kevdelprincipe
Book Tour (REVIEW) Cordial Killing by Vikki Walton w/ Elderberry Cordial Recipe & #Giveaway Contest @girlswantago
Hello awesome readers. Welcome to my stop on the Book Tour for new release, Cordial Killing by Vikki Walton. I have a review for you of this book as well as a recipe straight from the heart of the story! Cordial Killing is a cozy mystery set in a B&B where the guests can learn… Continue reading Book Tour (REVIEW) Cordial Killing by Vikki Walton w/ Elderberry Cordial Recipe & #Giveaway Contest @girlswantago