Book Spotlight

New Release — Willoughby’s Time & Space App by Jon Koons @JestmasterJon #RRSciFiMonth

Hello awesome readers, I am happy to announce the release of a new science fiction comedy suitable for adults and teens that fans of The Hitchhiker’s Guide to the Galaxy will want to check out! Released today Nov. 30th by Mindbender Press,

Willoughby’s Time & Space App by Jon Koon

willoughbys time and space app by jon koonsTwo Human Teens. One Intergalactic Resort. An Alien Pageant Under Attack. Time to Party!

When a shopping trip to the mall goes from weird to WTF?, high school students Brad and Stephanie find themselves transported to the oddest and most wonderful place in the universe. Or some universe at least. It’s like Club Med, but more like Club Mashup, filled with a cadre of strange and unusual aliens.

With memberships to the only Intergalactic, Pan-Dimensional, Crosstime Resort in the cosmos, our heroes must foil a plot by dastardly villains bent on its conquest. What can two human teens do about it? Throw a party, of course! Along with the very first Intergalactic Beauty (?) Pageant.

Can they get contestants from countless cockeyed worlds to join their pageant, best the baddies, and save the planet?

Willoughby’s Time & Space App is the first exciting book in a series of over-the-top YA sci-fi novels. If you’re into daring teens, incredible alien worlds, and intergalactic escapades, you’ll love Jon Koons’ hilarious tale.


Author Bio

jon koonsJon Koons is an author who resides in New Jersey, U.S.A. But please don’t hold that against him. He has written everything from children’s picture books to short stories to scripts and novels. His work can be found as print books, ebooks, audiobooks, in anthologies such as Cool Sports Dad; The Game is Afoot: Parodies, Pastiches and Ponderings of Sherlock Holmes; The Big Book of Sherlock Holmes Stories; as well as in periodicals like Sherlock Homes Mystery Magazine (are you sensing a theme here?), Weird Tales Magazine, The Jewish Standard (of all places), and lining bird cages across the country. As a frequent contributor of short fiction and book reviews to Weird Tales Magazine he was eventually made an Associate Editor, meaning he gets to correct other authors’ punctuation and spelling. Although Jon writes in just about every genre, his focus is on science fiction and fantasy that is humorous. At least to him.

Also known as a performer under his nom de plume (which obviously means ‘name with feathers’) of The JestMaster, Jon does ridiculous things like magic, ventriloquism, walking on stilts, eating fire and riding a Penny Farthing bicycle; for which he has garnered acclaim, awards, second degree burns and cracked ribs. As an actor Jon has appeared on Broadway (in a show that closed after only a couple of weeks—but it wasn’t his fault, he swears), on TV, in commercials and in such classic films as Revenge of the Nerds 3: The Next Generation. He also produces and narrates audiobooks, saving him the expense of having someone else do it.

After twiddling around with writing all that other stuff seemingly forever, now at an age over half a century old (advanced, yes, but not too crusty, because as you know fifty is the new forty-nine) he has finally become a published novelist. His fondest desire as an author is that after you have read all the Douglas Adams, Terry Pratchett and Christopher Moore novels you can get ahold of, that you give his novels a shot. Admittedly there is only one at the moment, but as long as people keep buying it there will be plenty more to come.

In his dubious spare time, Jon hangs out in his big old house with mice in the walls and in serious need of repair, with his wife Mikki, who is a talented woodwind player and the love of his life; his miraculous son Merlin Ryan, a chip off the old block—heaven help him; their ferret Grig; and an ever changing cast of characters, both real and imaginary.

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