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Book Tour — Temptation Trials Part II by B Truly @BrandyTruly #Giveaway & Excerpt!

Temptation Trials Part II
B. Truly
(Temptation Trials #2)
Publication date: September 26th 2017
Genres: Adult, Dystopian, Post-Apocalyptic, Romance

The Bachelorettes Meet The Devil’s Advocate

Lust, one of the seven deadly sins, is sweeping the nation into its seductive web. In this dystopian society, Cali and Stefani have to comply by the Regime’s strict rule of arranged marriage. But Eminence, the world dictator, doesn’t play fair.

Against all odds, they both decide to put their relationships through the ultimate test on The Temptation Trials—a reality TV show where every temptation of the flesh is set before them.

As participants on the show, they soon learn that losing may cost them more than the men they love. Cali’s torn, unsure of what her future holds with Cade. Stefani worries whether her relationship with Tobias can be salvaged.

Love can be blind. The betrayal they face from the Trials burden them. Will love be their redemption, or will it destroy them?

A million questions torment their minds.

Can you love two people at once? If a person is chosen for you, can those feelings be real?

Cali and Stefani must overcome heartbreak and pull together with their loved ones before it’s too late. The abominable truth is unveiled, which sends them on a journey that will jeopardize their lives.

The will of the weak is his for the taking. Can love save their souls?

Rated Mature 18 +

Adult, Dystopian, Romance and Urban Fantasy with sexual content. This riveting conclusion is not a stand-alone. Temptation Trials Part I must be read first.

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Author Bio:

B Truly has wanted to be an author since she was fifteen years old and is grateful to have accomplished this dream. She has very vivid dreams and a wild imagination. She likes to read, watch tons of TV shows, and movies. She’s addicted to romance and gets a thrill out of action and suspense. She writes New Adult and Adult Romance, Fantasy, Sci-fi, and Paranormal.

B Truly has three wonderful children and a husband who defines the person she today. She works full-time as an Ultrasound technologist in Sugarland, Texas.

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* * * Cali * * *

Cade scooted very close. I wondered if he could hear how loud my heart was beating. I stared into the vast ocean. So much of the mysterious oceans depths were unknown, and that is exactly how I felt. Cade’s and my relationship hung in the balance. How could we sort this out to decide our future when I couldn’t even bear to look at him? Time was a ticking bomb, with less than five days to decide our fate. Silence engulfed us for what seemed an infinity. I felt Cade’s penetrating gaze, but I still couldn’t face him. Why was I so scared?

“Cali, please.… Can’t you even look at me?”

He squeezed my hand, and I almost broke. Reluctant, I gazed into his questioning mercuries. “I … don’t know where to begin.” He leaned in swiftly, capturing my lips. Stunned, I kissed him briefly. I pulled back before my emotions consumed me.

“I’ve missed you so much. I have been angry … confused. None of that matters now, after seeing you in the flesh. I love you so much.”

Was I letting my anger rule, because things mattered to me? Or maybe my heart was conflicted.

“Say something, Cali. You’re scaring me.”

“We have a lot to discuss,” was all I could muster, trying to hold my tears at bay.

“You’re right. But we have the rest of our lives to make things right with each other.” My heart contracted. He held my hand tighter. “Don’t you still want to be with me?”

Avoiding his question, I mentioned other threatening problems that loomed with danger. “There are issues,” I lowered my voice. “Insane things have happened.” I scanned the area, paranoid. “We’ll have to discuss them once we reach shore.”

He eyed me curiously. “We can’t talk about them now?” I shook my head quickly. “It’s best to discuss them later.”

“Okay. Our relationship’s what’s most important.”

If only he had an inkling into the Regime’s vicious game. A tight lid had to be kept on the situation, until it was safe to explain. Taking a deep breath, I gathered my courage. “I’ve been tormenting myself, trying to figure out why you chose Catalina, since you connected with her most. They showed that preview of you picking her, so I didn’t know what to think.”

“I wasn’t sure how you felt, either. I was scared that he’d take you away from me.”

Cutting to the chase, I blurted, “Kincade, I need to know the truth. So do you. We can’t move forward until then. Pretending will only make matters worse in the long run.” His Adam’s apple bobbed. “The cameras didn’t create illusions of what we’ve done. Did you have sex with Catalina?”

For the first time, he looked away from me. My answer lingered in his reaction, but I wanted to hear him say it.


4 thoughts on “Book Tour — Temptation Trials Part II by B Truly @BrandyTruly #Giveaway & Excerpt!

  1. Giselle [Xpresso Reads] says:

    Thanks for being on the tour! 🙂

    1. odbookreviews says:

      Np, thank you for organizing it!

  2. Brandy Truly says:

    Thank you for hosting.

    1. odbookreviews says:

      My pleasure!