Hello awesome readers. I have a neat tag for you today that I saw over at Mani’s Book Corner. It looked like a quick and fun tag so I thought I would do it and if you are reading this I invite you to do it as well! I don’t know The origin of this tag. Feel free to use/edit my banner for it as well.
Now onto the questions,
Do you keep a list of the books you have read?
I keep spreadsheets and docs of books read per year. And since joining Goodreads 7 years ago I’ve added most of my read books to that so when I really want to refer to a comprehensive list that’s where I go. It’s not complete though.
If you record statistics, what statistics do you record?
The things I record are: Title, author, number of pages, my rating, date review request was sent to me and date review was posted.
Do you give star ratings for books and if so, what do you score books out of and how do you come about this score?
I rate the books which I read out of 5 stars, I also use half stars for books that fall between ratings (a 10 point system with 1 star being the lowest rating and 5 being the highest.)
DNF — Did not finish, and will not be rating.
⭐ — Not worth reading
⭐⭐ — Didn’t care of it, flawed
⭐⭐⭐ — Liked it, has potential
⭐⭐⭐⭐ — Very good book
⭐⭐⭐⭐⭐ — Awesome book, highly recommended.
My review policy expands further.
Do you review books?
I review most books I read. On rare occasions I might feel that my copy was too flawed to review accurately or that my opinion on the subject matter was too biased for an editorial review so I’ve refrained from bothering to write one. But most of the time whether I loved it, hated it or it was just OK, I’ll review it.
Where do you put your finished books?
Toss them into the well obviously! Just seeing if you were still paying attention. They go back onto the bookshelf. I don’t have a special organization for the read and non-read books (yet). I’d love to get a TBR cart and reserve the shelf for the finished books but it’s all a jumble at the moment.
How do you pick your next book?
Using a complicated algorithm… okay kidding again. My TBR is sorted by seniority with factors like when the author/publisher contacted me for review. They are mostly read in the order received with short listed books getting short cuts through the line. My TBR is sorted into different lists and they are all overwhelmingly long.
Do you have any other rituals for when you have finished a book?
I always tell my husband what I thought of the book, what was good and bad, and he guesses how many stars I’m going to give it. He’s usually really close if not dead on!
I Tag…
(Sorry if you’ve done this, I did my best to check but must have missed it!)
Ivana at Books and Prejudice
Sheila at The Quiet Geordie
Jordan at The Heart of a Book Blogger
Rae at Powerful Women Readers
Christy and Claire at I’m All Booked Up
There’s just a few people I think might like this.
I also tag, anyone who wants to do this! Link to me, so I can read your answers!

You’re so organised! I’ve lost track of how many books/what books I’ve read this year. I really should create a document or spreadsheet as well. Your ritual for when you’ve finished a book is very similar to mine as well. My boyfriend is usually subjected to a long rant about why the book wasn’t good or a monologue about why it was wonderful 😂
Haha, thanks! I hadn’t really thought of myself as organized, but I guess it became a necessity for me to deal with my TBR lol. I use google sheets for the convenience of it. That’s funny that our rituals are so similar! Not gonna lie, some books require a much longer rant/monologue than others.
I love all the things you track! This tag also looks so fun it makes me want to do it 🙂
Thank you! I hope you will do it, I would love to read your post!
I’m going to do it later this week 🙂