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Ugly Beautiful Girl by @tkrimms *Book Blitz Tour* w/ #Giveaway @lolasblogtours

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This is my stop during the book blitz for Ugly Beautiful Girl by Tracy Krimmer. This book blitz is organized by Lola’s Blog Tours. The book blitz runs from 27 September till 3 October. See the tour schedule here.

Ugly Beautiful GirlUgly Beautiful Girl
By Tracy Krimmer
Genre: Coming of Age/ Contemporary Romance
Age category: New Adult
Release Date: September 27, 2017

Nerd. Weird. Ugly. That’s me. And I don’t want it to be anymore.

Now is my time to make my mark on the world. My college roommate doesn’t make it easy. Neither does her brother, Jesse, but for completely different reasons. He makes me feel things I’ve never felt before.

Wanted. Important. Beautiful.

But we can’t be together because it isn’t real. Someone like him could never fall for someone like me. We aren’t meant to fit together.

Even if I fall apart without him.

You can find Ugly Beautiful Girl on Goodreads

You can buy Ugly Beautiful Girl here on Amazon
Ugly Beautiful Girl is available on Kindle Unlimited

Tracy KrimmerAbout the Author:
Tracy’s love of writing began at nine years old. She wrote stories about aliens at school, machines that did homework for you, and penguins. Now she pens books and short stories about romance. She loves to read a great book, whether it be romance or science fiction, or any genre in between, or pop popcorn and catch up on her favorite TV shows or movies. She’s been known to crush a candy or two as well. Her loves include fitness, reading, coffee, dogs, and naps (not in that order), and her dislikes are blue cheese, cold weather, and burpees.

You can find and contact Tracy here:


There is a tour wide giveaway for the book blitz of Ugly Beautiful Girl. One winner will win a $10 Amazon Gift card.

For a chance to win, enter the rafflecopter below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Enjoy the following excerpt!

“He’s so nice.” Janna takes another cookie and hands one to me as well. “He’s so out of my league, though. Hell, he’s out of
most people’s leagues.”

Everyone is out of my league. Between my Pinnochio nose, planet-sized ass, and the scars left behind from the great pimple outbreak of 2015, I’m far down in the lineup for anyone to date. I accepted that a long time ago. After being called a dog more times than I can count, I finally made the decision that maybe everyone is right. I’m not pretty and never will be. The more and more someone refers to you as something, the more likely you are to believe it.

“How is he so nice and his sister is such a jerk?” I don’t think I’ve ever seen two people so different from one another before. His first impression is the complete opposite from Olivia’s.

Janna begins walking so I step in line with her. “Who knows? They were both super popular in school but for different reasons. Her reasons are more X-rated if you catch my drift.”

Sex tape? Pictures online? Favors in the bathroom? I want to know but I also don’t want to gossip about Olivia. I don’t like when people say stuff about me so I don’t want to do it to her. Besides, things like that tend to come back around. I don’t want it to bite me in the ass.

“So this Tyler guy, was he your boyfriend throughout high school?”

“Nah. We dated senior year. That was it. I had one other boyfriend, Grant, freshman and sophomore year. I took junior year off of guys, I guess. Who knows?” She shrugs. “Sometimes I think about quitting guys all together.”

“Like dating girls instead?”

“Maybe. Or not dating at all. I’ll graduate, collect two dozen cats, and call it a life.”

She can’t be serious. I would kill to look like her. Okay, maybe not kill, but I could do some damage if needed. I doubt she has had any experience with being called names, and she’s had two boyfriends to my zero. I picture her strutting down her high school hallway sans book bag—she’s too cool for one. Her books are snug against her hip as she works her way down the hall as everyone glances her way. No. She can’t become a cat lady. If anyone should surrender her life to cats it’s me, and even I won’t do that.

“What about you? Do you have a special man in your life?”

Does my dad count? Probably not what she means. I almost kissed Shawn Solender once in sixth grade but that turned out to be a joke. Another time as a freshman I was supposed to go to Homecoming with Chris Henderson. I sat on the front steps of my house for three hours before I finally admitted to myself he wasn’t coming. On Monday at school everyone made fun of me and pictures were posted all over Instagram. Someone had stopped by and snapped as many shots of me crying as they could. The hashtags were horrible, things such as #loser, #whowoulddateher, #dogface, #dogbreath, #nobody. They got pretty negative, pushed me down to a point I almost didn’t want to get back up, but I did. I keep telling myself they are only words, no matter how much they hurt.

The change begins with me, right? If I’m going to create a better life for myself, I have to be confident. “No. There are a few guys who want to date me, but since I’m here I want to play the field.” I’m sure she sees right through me, and if she does, she doesn’t let on.

“Us hotties have to stick together and stay single.”

Hotties? She’s speaking of herself, not me. I appreciate the gesture, trying to include me in a clique I will never be part of. I’ve been through it long enough. I know the truth.

I’m the ugly girl in the room. I always have been and always will be.

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2 thoughts on “Ugly Beautiful Girl by @tkrimms *Book Blitz Tour* w/ #Giveaway @lolasblogtours

  1. Tracy Krimmer (@tkrimms) says:

    Thank you for hosting me today!

    1. odbookreviews says:

      My pleasure!