Book Spotlight

Release Announcement Spotlight — My First Ten Days in Heaven by Robert Brown

Recently Released, My First Ten Days in Heaven by Robert Brown.


my first ten days in heavenAn Atheist Makes It To Heaven! Michael Greyson woke one morning feeling better than he had in years. Unfortunately, he soon learned he felt so good because he had died the day before. The upside to being dead, he made it to Heaven. The potential downside, he didn’t believe in Heaven, or God. This is a book about being dead. And if you can’t enjoy being dead, what good is it? My First Ten Days in Heaven describes Michael Greyson’s orientation to Heaven which normally takes one to two weeks. Everything is possible. Every desire met. All questions are answered. He ponders his good fortune while drinking Scotch and watching the sunrise in Newfoundland and discusses life and death strolling in a park with Sigmund Freud. He soon realizes Heaven might not be the right place for him. Readers of My First Ten Days in Heaven are those who enjoy pondering the meaning of life. Doesn’t matter what you believe about God. In the vein of A Man Named Ove and The Hundred Year Old man Who Climbed Out a Window and Disappeared, it is lighthearted, but also a reflective story prodding gently but clearly to face issues such as human rights, racial equality, life values, death-with-dignity and, of course, religion. After ten days, Mike makes his choice.

(Included are book club discussion questions!)


Also by Robert Brown,
Personal Wisdom: Making Sense of You, Others and the Meaning of Life

personal wisdomLife is a journey you take alone, but with others nearby. It is not an easy journey, but one that must be done and done skillfully. Because your life is unique, only you can decide how well it is going and, at the end, how well it turned out.
Personal Wisdom is for you if you’re looking for tools and ideas to make your life one you are proud of.
 How to solve every problem
 How to resolve every conflict
 What women want
 What men want to avoid
 Three life principles
 Why “fair” does not exist
 How to say the impossible
 And a lot more
Robert Brown, Ph.D. has been an independent performance improvement consultant for over thirty-five years. The wisdom of a thousand people is within these pages.


More by Robert Brown on Amazon


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