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Book Blitz! Forsaken Prince by Andrea Pearson @andreapearson2 @lolasblogtours w/ #Giveaway & Excerpt

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This is my stop during the book blitz for Forsaken Prince by Andrea Pearson. This book blitz is organized by Lola’s Blog Tours. The book blitz runs from 8 till 10 November. See the tour schedule here

Forsaken PrinceForsaken Prince (Kilenya Chronicles #1)
By Andrea Pearson
Genre: Fantasy
Age category: Young Adult
Release Date: 1 November, 2017

Jacob refuses the role of Forsaken Prince. Until his father and little sister are kidnapped…

When an attractive girl tells Jacob he’s the Forsaken Prince and that an entirely different planet needs his help, he calls her crazy and sends her on her way. But then he discovers dead demons in his house, his mother beaten, and his father and sister kidnapped, and he’s forced to begin a dangerous journey.

Now Jacob must team up with Aloren to find a magical key and stage a rescue with a tight deadline, all while making decisions that affect not only himself but hundreds of thousands of his subjects in this new world. Can he figure out his new magical powers fast enough and will he and Aloren reach Jacob’s father and sister before time runs out?

Forsaken Prince, Kilenya Chronicles Book One is an edge-of-your-seat story of fantasy, adventure, and exciting twists and turns. Grab your copy now to begin the magical journey!

You can find Forsaken Prince on Goodreads

You can buy Forsaken Prince here on Amazon

All books in the Kilenya Chronicles series:
Forsaken Prince (Kilenya Chronicles #1)Ember Gods (Kilenya Chronicles #2)August Fortress (Kilenya Chronicles #3)Rise of Keitus (Kilenya Chronicles #4)Eyes of the Sun (Kilenya Chronicles #5)Golden Symbol (Kilenya Chronicles #6)

Andrea Pearson

About the Author:

Andrea Pearson is an avid reader and outdoor enthusiast who plays several instruments, not including the banjo, and loves putting together musical arrangements. Her favorite sports are basketball and football, though several knee surgeries and incurably awful coordination prevent her from playing them.

Andrea graduated from Brigham Young University with a bachelor of science degree in Communications Disorders. She is the author of many full-length novels (the Kilenya Series and Mosaic Chronicles) and several novellas. Writing is the chocolate of her life — it is, in fact, the only thing she ever craves. Being with her family and close friends is where she’s happiest, and she loves thunderstorms, the ocean, hiking, public speaking, painting, and traveling.

You can find and contact Andrea here:
Facebook page
Facebook profile


There is a tour wide giveaway for the book blitz of Forsaken Prince. One winner will win a $50 Amazon Gift card. US Only.

For a chance to win, enter the rafflecopter below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway

Excerpt — Beasts in the hole


Jacob was making his way over a very large section of dried mud when a cracking sound came from under him. He stopped and watched in dismay as a line shot across the surface, starting at his foot.

He didn’t have time to react before the crust below him gave way. Jacob gasped, eyes widening as he clutched at the air, trying to find something, anything, to hold on to. He tipped backward and fell, the shell breaking as his body hit it. He was aware of Aloren’s scream, the bright sun in his eyes, and the scent of mud.

Cold, damp air rushed past him, making a roar in his ears as he gained speed in his descent. With a thud, he landed on solid ground, and the wind whooshed out of his lungs. Everything threatened to go black. He forced his eyes open, and a dull ache built in his chest.

“Jacob!” someone screamed.

He tried to pull in the air he needed to breathe. It wouldn’t come, and panic washed over him. How far had he fallen? Everything was dark except for a small shaft of light that came in through the hole above him.

His chest was on fire. The pressure built and built until finally, with a gasp, he drew in a ragged, painful breath.

“I’m okay,” he called out weakly. Was he?

Jacob tested all of his limbs—they each responded, and without pain. But when he tried to sit up, fire raced across his chest again. He must have broken a rib. Or several, judging by how painful it was to move.

With difficulty, he rolled over and sat up, gasping for breath, working through the pain. His eyes widened when he saw a crumpled body near him. Aloren had fallen too—had her bubble broken when Jacob’s did? The hole above didn’t look that big.

Her eyes were shut, her body unmoving. Jacob crawled to her, doing his best to ignore the agony ripping across his torso. Dark liquid dripped from a wound on her forehead, and judging by the awkward position of her body, she’d broken several bones. Was she even alive?

Panic made Jacob’s hand shake as he checked for a pulse. He’d never been around a dead person before. “Please, please be alive,” he whispered.

It took a moment to find the right spot in her neck, but he breathed a sigh of relief when he felt a faint heartbeat.

Shuffling and grunting sounds reached Jacob’s ears. He looked around and felt his insides twist into knots. Several huge forms moved in the shadows, circling them just outside the ring of light.

“Hello?” he yelled toward the hole above. “Is anyone there? We’re not alone down here.”

The grunting grew louder, and Jacob stumbled to his feet, curling an arm around his side. He refused to face whatever was coming sitting down.

He kept his eye on the closest form and blinked when a man’s hand became visible. What the . . .? The body it came from was definitely not human. The creature stepped forward, and Jacob gasped. It was a bear—or something very similar to one—with human hands and feet. Thick brown fur covered it snout to ankles, and the eyes, ears, and nose definitely belonged to a bear.

It roared, and all similarities to a bear disappeared. The roar was like fingernails on a chalkboard times a thousand. The tongue was forked, and the teeth were green and long, like a saber-toothed tiger.

The bear-like beast pounced, its movement eerily similar to a cat’s, and before Jacob could react, it had knocked him to the ground.

He gasped through the pain, doing everything he could to keep those teeth away from his face. Adrenaline shot through his system, pushing the pain away and giving him more strength than he could have found without it.

With a grunt, he rolled out from under the bear-thing, flinging it to the side away from Aloren. It was much lighter than a bear should have been.

He growled when more of the creatures rushed him. He didn’t have time to concentrate, to think, to wonder how best to defend himself and the unconscious girl. Jacob practically danced around her, keeping the beasts back, throwing stones and pieces of broken shell at them and tossing the bears away when they got close. They formed a tight circle around him, coming closer and closer.

Sweat trickled down his face and into his eyes, blurring his vision.

A bear grabbed Jacob’s arm, yanking him away from Aloren just as one of them jumped on top of her, teeth flashing.


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One thought on “Book Blitz! Forsaken Prince by Andrea Pearson @andreapearson2 @lolasblogtours w/ #Giveaway & Excerpt

  1. Andrea Pearson says:

    Yay! Thank you for sharing about my book! 🙂