
(REVIEW) Happy Birthday by Mamoru Suzuki

Hello awesome readers. I hope you have been doing well and managing with lockdown. It honestly hasn’t been that bad for us, our toddler keeps us very busy. One downside though was having to postpone her first birthday party! This was an occasion I was super excited for and I even ordered everything for her party really early not knowing it would be put on hold. Instead we just had a small private party within our own household and no guests. Since she’s too young to know she was missing out on a real party the day was fantastic for her, making it fantastic for us as well. Surprisingly though she didn’t eat her cupcake! I guess because she doesn’t eat sweets she wasn’t used to something so sweet. Here’s a little GIF I made of her having some technical difficulties with her party hat. Good thing the party guests to-be missed that, Oh wait I just put it on the internet. Oh well!
I figured this was a great time to share this Children’s book review with you for a book called, Happy Birthday.


Don’t worry about it looping… I promise that was the moment I took the hat off.

Now without further ado, onto the Review:


Happy Birthday!

This is a cute book that shows the unconditional love between mother and child, is full of beautiful illustrations, and has a sweet and simple message. The message is that the reader is loved on this (their birthday) and every day. This children’s book would make a nice gift for a small child on their birthday. The illustrations are really precious and though the e-book version I was given for my review had some issues with displaying them, I bet as a physical book, with the images filling the page it would be absolutely beautiful. I can’t really picture what it would look like properly formatted, but I bet it’s nice.

My only issue with this book is that sometimes the phrasing of things sounds a little off. It isn’t an issue with the grammar exactly. It just sounds weird to me which was distracting. Maybe I was just confused about the imagery of the children flying away at the end, because everything up to this point was far more literal and reality-based. I think some people will be put off by one image that features breastfeeding and others will like it as a sweet memory of mommy-baby bonding time.

Overall, a cute book with great art and an affectionate message. If you are a new mom like me, I think it could also be fun to add in your baby’s milestone dates to the pages where it says “began to crawl (walk/run).” Kids would probably get a kick out of that as they get older.


reviewed by O sm

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7 thoughts on “(REVIEW) Happy Birthday by Mamoru Suzuki

  1. sjhigbee says:

    Aww… bless her — she’s adorable! I love that she is so wary of the cupcake:)). And you’re right — she won’t know the difference, because the people who she cares about are all around her, so she probably enjoyed it more than if you had lots of guests!

    1. odbookreviews says:

      Thank you! Haha, she never did acquire a taste for it. I tried to give her cake the next couple of days and she still wasn’t having it! She completely destroyed the Korean BBQ we had right after she attempted the cupcake. I might want to question my baking skills. 🙂
      Very true, she was showered with love.. and bubbles!

      1. sjhigbee says:

        Lol… I wish I didn’t like cupcakes quite so much:)). Glad she had such a lovely time — and you’ll remember the occasion with so much fondness, probably more so than if it had been busier with more guests.

        1. odbookreviews says:

          Haha me too!
          I agree completely.

  2. nsfordwriter says:

    That gif is so sweet! Yes having small kids means you can never have nothing to do during lockdown…

    1. odbookreviews says:

      Thank you!
      She has been an absolute blessing to my mental health

  3. thebookishlibra says:

    Awww, Happy Birthday to your daughter!