
(Mini-Review) Polar Bear Postman by Seigo Kijima

Mini-review for illustrated children's book, Polar Bear Postman by Seigo Kijima. Like last week unfortunately this is another example of why I hate getting illustrated children's books from Netgalley. Polar Bear Postman Author: Seigo Kijima. Category: Illustrated Children's Book Suitable for: All ages, ideal for 4-8 My Rating: 1.5 Stars Format Used for Review: Kindle copy received… Continue reading (Mini-Review) Polar Bear Postman by Seigo Kijima


(REVIEW) Kuma-Kuma Chan’s Travels by Kazue Takahashi

Hello awesome readers. I'm reviewing a children's book today, and this is a perfect example of why I hate being sent requests for children's books on Netgalley. Click the wrong link, find it automatically added to my shelf (affecting my ratio), receive a mess of an e-book that I'm supposed to use for review. A… Continue reading (REVIEW) Kuma-Kuma Chan’s Travels by Kazue Takahashi

Book Spotlight · Lifestyle/Personal

30 Free Books for while we #StayHome & #ReadMore

While we stay home to stay safe and help protect those more susceptible in our communities from covid-19 let's make the best of it by reading more! Here are a few books that are currently FREE to help get you through this difficult time of isolation. Please be sure to double-check the prices before purchasing… Continue reading 30 Free Books for while we #StayHome & #ReadMore


(REVIEW) The Gemstone Chronicles Book One: The Carnelian by William L Stuart @williamlstuart

Hello awesome readers. Today I have a review for you for a full-blown-novel! Woohoo, about time! I know I haven't been reading and reviewing as much with my little one up and walking around now but I'm making the best of sheltering in place by reading as much as I can. She's never been good… Continue reading (REVIEW) The Gemstone Chronicles Book One: The Carnelian by William L Stuart @williamlstuart

Book Spotlight · Excerpt · Memes & Tags

Teaser Tuesday ~ Apr. 28, 2020 ~ The Gemstone Chronicles Book One: The Carnelian by William L Stuart @williamlstuart

Hello awesome readers and welcome to Teaser Tuesday, a Meme, created by The Purple Booker, that wants you to add books to your TBR, or just share what you are currently reading. It is very easy to play along: — Grab your current read — Open to a random page — Share two (2) “te… Continue reading Teaser Tuesday ~ Apr. 28, 2020 ~ The Gemstone Chronicles Book One: The Carnelian by William L Stuart @williamlstuart


(REVIEW) Illustrated Children’s Book — What You Gonna Do With All That Belly? (My Crazy Stories Series)

Just in time for those Halloween treat bags, an illustrated children's book about candy, and that you shouldn't eat too much of it! Ronnie loves candy and just wants to eat it all day and never play or exercise, despite his friends urging him to stop eating candy and play with them. One night before bed his wishes his last gummy bear will grow huge so that he will have a ton to eat. He then dreams about his gummy bear going on a eating rampage, destroying the whole town! In order to save the town he talks the bear into playing and exercising away all his jelly belly. The next day he wakes up with a new attitude and goes out to play with his friends…


(REVIEW) What If Everybody Said That? by Ellen Javernick #Author & Colleen Madden #Illustrator. Illustrated children’s #bookreview

What If Everybody Said That? Author: Ellen Javernick Illustrator: Colleen Madden Category: Illustrated Children’s Book Suitable for: All ages, Ideal for ages 3 to 7. My Rating: 4 Stars Format Read for Review: Kindle First Pages: 24 Description: This is the story of a mean little girl who has her little clique and wont include anyone… Continue reading (REVIEW) What If Everybody Said That? by Ellen Javernick #Author & Colleen Madden #Illustrator. Illustrated children’s #bookreview