
(REVIEW) The Haunting of Barry’s Lodge by Annie Walters

So, I finished this book before Halloween with all intentions of reviewing it around that time but I found this review to be difficult to write. I really did like the story but it has its flaws. Read on to see why I gave this spooky horror novel 3 stars.


The Haunting of Barry’s Lodge

the haunting of barrys lodgeAuthor: Annie Walters
Category: Ghost Story, Horror, Paranormal, Psychological, Thriller, Supernatural
Suitable for: Teens+
My Rating: 3 Stars
Format Read for Review: Kindle copy provided by the author in return for an honest review.
Pages: 218

Description: Alfred runs a recording studio and dreams of being an author. His father in law gives him a chance to get some writing done by offering him one week of solitude at an isolated motel. But after he gets there he finds himself cut off from the outside world and surrounded by eerie sights and sounds. He discovers the dark history of the place and struggles to get a grasp on reality.

“The blank paper grinned at my melancholy every night. The cicadas chirped, yet I was there staring at the keyboard.”

In Short: This is a good scary story with some writing flaws. If you like ghost stories you should check this one out. Just be prepared to go on a weird ride and have your dictionary handy. I recommend this book to fans of horror and psychological thrillers.

“Words written in blood glared back at us from everywhere”

Pros: I really liked the story and enjoyed reading this book. The story is very interesting, multilayered and full of danger. A very creative and spooky ghost story that at times played out in my head like a scary movie. I really liked the ending, it was full of terror and twists. I felt like this book was the perfect length. The story was paced very nicely and covered a lot of ground while still making for fairly quick reading. There are so many fun horror elements that are well used in this book! There is a haunting, urban legends, psychic powers, and even demonic activity. This book is very unique and one of the spookiest horrors I have read in a long time. It has a ton of potential and I would definitely read more by this author.

“His eyes bulged in surprise. He raised his arm and pointed behind my back.”

Cons: I never thought I’d say this in a review, but this book had too much medical terminology. Even as a medical professional the terminology used would make me have to stop and think to visualize what was being described, taking me out of the terror of the moment. One example: “A red, wide streak traced its way from my left shoulder towards the right iliac fossa.” The protagonist does not have a medical background so he would never describe his injury this way. Instead of “iliac fossa” he probably would have just said “hip” or “stomach.” I think the author is too smart for their own good. The story was a little hard to follow at times. I’m not sure if it was just because it was told from the point of view of someone who was being messed with and haunted but it was confusing. This book would benefit from editing. I think the story is really good but it would be scarier if the writing wasn’t as distracting.


Parent’s Guide: Contains violence, murder, and gore.

reviewed by O

Since receiving this book the cover and title have changed a few times so keep in mind newer versions may have editing the version I read did not. I like all of these covers but I think the titles are a bit wordy. Which one do you like?

Blurb off Amazon:

Something sinister has always lurked in the spectral woods of Skiddaw… Alfred, a washed-up author, plagued by failures can’t believe his luck when his father-in-law, Frank, provides him with a chance that he direly craved for: Seven days alone in an isolated Motel with the task of finishing his upcoming book! But little does he know about the Motel’s unsavory history. Hidden in the copse of trees and about 400 miles away from his home in the dark forest of Skiddaw, it is a two-storey facade with twisting, malevolent chimneys and an eerie allure.Lack of WI-FI, poor signals and weird set of rules, the dark atmosphere soon turns his seemingly idyllic trip into a living nightmare. Apart from the usual creaks, groans, and moans of the crumbling structure, he soon finds himself face to face with an entity. An urban legend that is lurking in the woods long before the Motel found its existing foundations. The Motel’s dark and haunting history quickly becomes tangled with Alfred’s life as he frantically searches for answers. Barry, the caretaker is hiding something. But what is it? Is there someone else living in the motel beside him? Or is the caretaker not what he seemingly appears? Alfred quickly begins to lose his tenuous grip on reality as he sinks further and further into an intricately designed game of deceit and lies that might put his life in danger! Or is he a threat to himself and everybody around him?

