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*Cover Reveal* Rescuing Prince Charming by Edward Hoornaert @edhoornaert @lolasblogtours #Giveaway & Excerpt

Today is the cover reveal for Rescuing Prince Charming by Edward Hoornaert. The cover is designed by Danielle Fine. This cover reveal is organized by Lola’s Blog Tours.

Rescuing Prince CharmingRescuing Prince Charming (Alien Contact for Idiots #4)
By Edward Hoornaert
Genre: Science Fiction Romance
Age category: Adult
Release Date: 4 December, 2017

Dusty Johnson, a self-styled ordinary, everyday woman, responds with extraordinary heroism to saboteurs trying to bomb the prototype of Earth’s first starship. She wants to return to anonymity, but her moment of courage propels her ever deeper into danger that tears the scabs off her dark past—and thrusts her into the arms of the unattainable man of her dreams.

Reese Eaglesbrood, an alien prince, yearns to restore his tattered reputation by guiding the starship project to completion, but his fascination with the unassuming heroine threatens to undermine his fragile authority. Shunning Dusty is necessary, yet unthinkable—and when the saboteurs strike again, she may be his only ally against Earth’s darkest enemies.

You can find Rescuing Prince Charming on Goodreads

You can pre-order Rescuing Prince Charming here for only 1.99!
Barnes & Noble

He hurled the bomb over the side with the grace and power of a javelin thrower.
Huffing, Dusty grabbed the cold railing and looked down. Three long steel posts reached forty yards down to the steep and rocky forest below. If the bomb landed near a post, the blast would bring down the terrace with her on it. But did she run? Nope.
She leaned over the railing and put an arm on the back of her amazing companion. Although she didn’t know his name, there was no one she’d rather stand shoulder-to-shoulder with, facing oblivion, panting in unison, poised on the knife’s edge separating death from life.
“God,” she panted, “you have a…a great arm.”
He said nothing, and she was too busy watching the bomb to notice his reaction. Stupid to just stand there, yet she watched the bomb fall as though in slow motion. The lid floated away, wafting back and forth like a cardboard leaf.
The box arched beyond the pylons and the forest toward the ocean. Being a fiord, the bottom dropped off as steeply as the mountainside, so the box should be well submerged when it went off. She never could’ve thrown it so far.
The box hit the water with an insignificant splash. She waited.
That was all? This whole blood-pumping thing was a hoax?
But just as disappointment threatened to chill her, the dark waters of the Pacific erupted as though a whale had farted. Dusty jerked closer to the stranger. He was warm and alive and his courage took her breath away. Being held by him seemed the most natural thing in the world.

Edward HoornaertAbout the Author:

What kind of guy writes romance? A guy who married his high school sweetheart a week after graduation and still lives the HEA decades later. A guy who’s a certifiable Harlequin hero—he inspired Vicki Lewis Thompson’s Rita Award finalist Mr. Valentine, which is dedicated to him.

Ed started out writing contemporary romances for Silhouette Books, but these days he concentrates on science fiction romance. He’s been a teacher, principal, technical writer, salesman, janitor, and symphonic oboist. He and wife Judi live in Tucson, Arizona. They have three sons, a daughter, a mutt, and the galaxy’s most adorable grandson.

You can find and contact Edward Hoornaert here:
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There is a cover reveal wide giveaway for the cover reveal of Rescuing Prince Charming. These are the prizes you can win:
– Grand prize: e-book copies of the first three books in the Alien Contact for Idiots series: Alien Contact for Idiots, Alien Contact for Kid Sisters and Newborn
– 2 winners win an e-book of their choice from any of the following three books: Alien Contact for Idiots, Alien Contact for Kid Sisters and Newborn

For a chance to win, enter the rafflecopter below:
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2 thoughts on “*Cover Reveal* Rescuing Prince Charming by Edward Hoornaert @edhoornaert @lolasblogtours #Giveaway & Excerpt

  1. Ed Hoornaert says:

    Thanks so much for hosting the cover reveal for Rescuing Prince Charming!

  2. odbookreviews says:

    Happy to!