Book Spotlight · Cover Reveal · Excerpt

*Cover Reveal & Excerpt* Relics of the Underworld (The Sage’s Legacy Book 3) by Alexa Whitewolf @alexa_whitewolf Cover by @AmmoniaCovers

Hello awesome readers! I am so excited to have the honor of sharing this gorgeous new book with you all! Relics of the Underworld by Alexa Whitewolf releases this Tuesday, Aug. 21, 2018 and today I get to share the Cover Reveal with you! *Drum roll* tah dah:



Freya and Brennan barely have time to settle in their new romance when tragedy strikes. Sick of waiting for the axe to drop, Freya convinces her partner it’s time to fight back.

Armed with only the knowledge gained from their respective objects of the power, the two start on a perilous journey to find and destroy the Relics of the Underworld.

Unfortunately, they are not the only ones in search of the mythical treasures. The demon Raksh, more determined than ever to free Set, comes up with his most evil plan yet.

From Scotland to Slovakia and Egypt, this last installment is packed with action and surprises at every turn, while the gods observe their champions and each challenge they face.

As Freya and Brennan get closer to their goal, neither is aware of the ultimate sacrifice awaiting them — nor the ancient god pulling their strings.

Author Bio

Alexa Whitewolf

Alexa Whitewolf is a dog-loving, caffeine-addicted, all-around traveling enthusiast. Author of three series of fantasy, paranormal and young adult, she spends her nights dreaming up new stories and her days fighting reality. She lives in Ottawa, Canada, with her husband and two mischievous furballs- Zeus and Achilles. Check out her website at!

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***Goes live Tuesday, August 21st***

***Books I & II on sale until then @ $0.99 and $1.99!***






Freya ducked the Wiseman, dancing away and shaking her head. Already half-falling apart, her ponytail came undone and her raven hair fell in straight locks around her shoulder. “Bite me, Bren. This one’s mine.”

Eyes on him, she took a big bite of the chocolate cake, making a show of enjoying it while he scowled. “You’re mean.”

Freya only shrugged, taking another bite. Brennan chose that moment to lunge for her, making her shriek and try to run away, only to trip over herself and fall down.

Brennan wrapped one arm around her waist while his free hand caught the plate with the treasure. He tossed Freya on the couch, then repositioned himself at the head of the table.

“Like I said — never get between a man and his stomach.”

Freya scowled, but laughter trickled through her expression while Brennan stuffed his mouth. “You’re such a child sometimes!”

As if to make a point, Brennan turned his back to her, covering the plate with his upper body. He gulped down the remnants of the cake.

Their playful banter was interrupted when Sam walked through the wall. Freya grinned his way, but it soon fell when she noticed his serious expression. “Sam, what’s wrong?”

“I need your help.”

Brennan dropped his plate, joining his partner. “What happened?”

“It’s not for me,” Sam explained, shaking his head. “It’s for her.”

He turned and a young girl about his age floated inside. Dressed in something akin to rags, she looked frightfully pale and malnourished. Brown hair fell in limp threads, framing a heart-shaped face. Her huge chocolate eyes stared at them as a doe would a hunter, and she appeared ready to bolt.

“Who’s your friend, Sam?” Freya kept her tone soft, unwilling to scare the young girl.

Sam took a step closer to the newcomer, pulling her small hand in his. “This is Anya, and she needs our help.” He turned to Anya, whispering in her ear.

Freya noticed Brennan’s intense expression. Eyes narrowed, he stepped closer. Despite Freya straining her ears, she only heard the word “countess”. Something about their hushed conversation was enough to raise her hackles.

After long moments of whispering back and forth, Sam faced them once more and pushed Anya gently forward.

Anya looked between her and Brennan. “You have to help… Please.” A thick accent lined her every word, and it took Freya a moment to clue in to its origin. “The Countess won’t let us go, and I’m afraid… She’ll ruin the whole town, our families, our souls — forever.”

“Countess?” Brennan’s tone was full of confusion, but Freya staggered back.

She had placed the accent to an area she had seldom visited, and the implication was enough to stun her into silence.

It can’t be…

Freya searched Anya’s expression, looking for deceit. But all she could read was the terror in her eyes, and the pure fear in her aura. She’s not lying.

The Sage cleared her throat, but still her voice came out shaky. “She means the Bloody Countess…. Elizabeth Báthory.”


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One thought on “*Cover Reveal & Excerpt* Relics of the Underworld (The Sage’s Legacy Book 3) by Alexa Whitewolf @alexa_whitewolf Cover by @AmmoniaCovers

  1. sjhigbee says:

    What a fabulous cover…