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*Book Blitz* Rescuing Prince Charming by Edward Hoornaert @edhoornaert @lolasblogtours w/ #Giveaway & Excerpt!

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This is my stop during the book blitz for Rescuing Prince Charming by Edward Hoornaert. This book blitz is organized by Lola’s Blog Tours. The book blitz runs from 28 November till 11 December. See the tour schedule here.

Introduction price!
For a limited time only Rescuing Prince Charming is available to purchase for only 1.99! You can buy your copy here on Amazon, Barnes & Noble, Kobo, iTunes and Smashwords.

Rescuing Prince CharmingRescuing Prince Charming (Alien Contact for Idiots #4)
By Edward Hoornaert
Genre: Science Fiction Romance
Age category: Adult
Release Date: 4 December, 2017

Dusty Johnson, a self-styled ordinary, everyday woman, responds with extraordinary heroism to saboteurs trying to bomb the prototype of Earth’s first starship. She wants to return to anonymity, but her moment of courage propels her ever deeper into danger that tears the scabs off her dark past—and thrusts her into the arms of the unattainable man of her dreams.

Reese Eaglesbrood, an alien prince, yearns to restore his tattered reputation by guiding the starship project to completion, but his fascination with the unassuming heroine threatens to undermine his fragile authority. Shunning Dusty is necessary, yet unthinkable—and when the saboteurs strike again, she may be his only ally against Earth’s darkest enemies.

You can find Rescuing Prince Charming on Goodreads

You can buy Rescuing Prince Charming here for only 1.99!
Barnes & Noble

Edward HoornaertAbout the Author:
What kind of guy writes romance? A guy who married his high school sweetheart a week after graduation and still lives the HEA decades later. A guy who’s a certifiable Harlequin hero—he inspired Vicki Lewis Thompson’s Rita Award finalist Mr. Valentine, which is dedicated to him.

Ed started out writing contemporary romances for Silhouette Books, but these days he concentrates on science fiction romance. He’s been a teacher, principal, technical writer, salesman, janitor, and symphonic oboist. He and wife Judi live in Tucson, Arizona. They have three sons, a daughter, a mutt, and the galaxy’s most adorable grandson.

You can find and contact Edward Hoornaert here:
Google Plus

There is a tour wide giveaway for the book blitz of Rescuing Prince Charming. These are the prizes you can win:
– Grand prize: e-book copies of the other three books in this series: Alien Contact for Idiots, Alien Contact for Kid Sisters and Newborn
– 2 winners win an e-book of their choice from any of the following three books: Alien Contact for Idiots, Alien Contact for Kid Sisters and Newborn

For a chance to win, enter the rafflecopter below:
a Rafflecopter giveaway


Somehow she climbed the steep ramp to the landing and gazed out over three-hundred faces, avoiding one in particular: Reese’s. At the moment she was only half sure she wanted to see him again, but completely certain she didn’t want an audience for the reunion.

“Quiet down,” Insook said. No one paid attention—but when Reese thrust both arms in the air and yelled, “Silence!” the crowd quieted.

Insook wrapped a burly arm around Dusty’s shoulders and squeezed hard. “Desdemona has our undying gratitude. Our thanks will, I’m sure, find a tangible form. For now, we shall settle for a celebration tomorrow afternoon in honor of Ms. Johnson and our new project leader.”

Shocked that the duke hadn’t mentioned Reese’s role, Dusty turned to him. He said nothing, and his face gave no clue how he felt about the slight. Maybe anger kept his face blank. Insook was a duke, and Reese might not feel a commoner could correct him.

But giving him no credit was just plain wrong.

“Wait a minute,” she cried. Her voice had none of the Kwadrans’ carrying power, yet the crowd quieted, eager to hear her. She extricated herself from Insook’s arm to point at Reese. “I wasn’t the first person to find that bomb, and I certainly couldn’t have disposed of it alone. This brave man did as much as I. More. Tell them, Reese.”

“I assisted.”

“No, no. He’s more of a hero than I am. I’d be dead without Reese…” Pausing, she turned toward him. “What’s your last name?”

He dipped his chin as though apologizing. “Eaglesbrood,” he whispered to her alone.

“Eaglesbrood,” she repeated for the crowd to hear. For a nanosecond, the name meant nothing.

Then it meant everything. All of it bad.

“Oh, my God,” she whispered.

Enjoy another excerpt at the cover reveal here.

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