Book Spotlight

New Book Released Today! Riley Thorn and the Dead Guy Next Door by Lucy Score

Hello awesome readers. Today I’m announcing the release of, Riley Thorn and the Dead Guy Next Door: A Reluctant Psychic Romantic Comedy by Lucy Score.

A nice, normal life. Is that too much to ask? For Riley Thorn it is.

Divorced. Broke. Living with a pack of elderly roommates. And those hallucinations she’s diligently ignoring? Her tarot card-dealing mom is convinced they’re clairvoyant visions.

Just when things can’t get worse, a so-hot-it-should-be-illegal private investigator shows up on her doorstep looking for a neighbor…who turns up murdered.

Nick Santiago doesn’t play well with others. Unless the “others” are of the female persuasion. Wink. He’s a rebel, a black sheep, a man who prefers a buffet of options to being stuck with the same entrée every night, if you catch his drift.

When the pretty, possibly psychic Riley lands at the top of the list of suspects, Nick volunteers to find out whodunit. Only because he likes solving mysteries not because he wants to flex his heroic muscles for the damsel in distress.

All they have to do is figure out who pulled the trigger, keep the by-the-book detective with a grudge at bay, and deal with a stranger claiming he was sent to help Riley hone her psychic gifts. All before the killer discovers she’s a loose end that requires snipping.

Amazon | Goodreads

Free with Kindle Unlimited! If you don’t have KU you can try it for free for 30 days! If you read a lot of books I’d recommend it. I have it and there are a ton of awesome books available.

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Teasers from the ARC*:

“Riley should have never answered the knock on her door two weeks ago.”

“Here, under the covers, everything was normal.
Well, as normal as a broke, divorced, 35-year-old proofreader who hailed from a long and distinguished line of female… Never mind. She didn’t like to think about the special “talents” that ran in her family. Especially not first thing in the morning.”

“She closed her eyes and focused on her breath while holding the nail between her finger and thumb. She didn’t know if it was the urgency of the situation or the fact that she really wanted to prove herself useful”

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Author Links: Goodreads | Official Site | Facebook | Instagram

Summer reading to grab, for people who enjoy contemporary romance or romantic comedies with a supernatural twist and a mystery mixed in.

What are you currently reading?

*Quotes from the ARC may vary from the final version.

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