#ShortReadsSaturdays · Reviews

#ShortReadsSaturdays (REVIEW) On the Altar by Jeff Chapman @JeffChpmnWriter

Hey awesome readers! I hope you are doing well, what are you reading this weekend? Today I’m happy to be doing another Short Reads Saturday, where I knock one of the shorter books of my reading list (it helps me feel like I made progress). Today’s book was a real treat because it is by an author that I am a big fan of and like always the writing was on point.

5 stars

On the Altar

on the altar

Author: Jeff Chapman
Category: Thriller, Political, Suspense, Revenge, Short Story, Novella
Suitable for: Teens+
My Rating: 5 Stars
Format Read for Review: Kindle copy purchased from Amazon.
Pages: 66

Amazon | Goodreads

Description: This short story centers around a fictional U.S. President, and his advisor who is also his best friend. The two men find their families in danger when the president’s daughter is kidnapped and then the advisor’s daughter becomes involved. Relationships will be tested and difficult choices will have to be faced as the situation escalates.

In Short: This is a great novella-length story in which trust, duty, and loyalty are tested. You take a front row center seat to the action and see what the characters are facing from their point of view. It’s a political story that doesn’t delve too deep into politics that may bore some people and instead focuses on the characters, their emotions and the complexity of their dangerous situation.

Pros: I grabbed this book off Amazon because I was in an odd mood and was looking for something quick and different to read. This book did not disappoint! The details and realism really draw you into the story, make you feel invested in the characters and give a clear picture of everything happening. It is a lot like watching a TV show or movie in that sense. The characters, though fictional, feel real and I was glued to their struggle the entire time. I had to read this book in one sitting in order to get the end and see what happens! The villain of this tale is clearly deranged and it was a mystery throughout what the motives were, and how the evil plot would play out.

Cons: This isn’t really a complaint, I just wish it was longer. I was really enjoying the characters, and the writing. Even though the story concluded nicely, I could have happily read on and on.

Parent’s Guide/Trigger Warnings: Kidnapping, physical violence, gun violence.

Reviewed by O

2 thoughts on “#ShortReadsSaturdays (REVIEW) On the Altar by Jeff Chapman @JeffChpmnWriter

  1. Rae Longest says:

    Sounds intriguing.

    1. odbookreviews says:

      I highly recommend!