Read my highly critical review of this horror short that I read as a judge for the Indie Horror Book Awards…
Tag: adults
(REVIEW) FAT CAMP by James Sabata @JamesSabata #ihba
Since 1985, over 500 overweight teenagers have come to Camp Wašíču, looking to lose weight, gain self-confidence, and turn their lives around. Phillip McCracken arrives, weighing in at almost 400 pounds; but the baggage he carries from the past affects him much more deeply than the numbers of the scale. When a homicidal maniac hell-bent on revenge attacks, Phillip will be forced to either find the courage to save the people around him or fall victim to his own self-doubt…
*New Release & Excerpt* Definition of Craving by Lia Peele @LiaPeeleAuthor #Erotica
Definition of Craving by Lia Peele Definition Series Book 2 Published August 21, 2018 Contemporary/Romance/Erotica Blurb: They could have it all … if the others let him go. Scarlett Trent is a woman who is in control. She’s a successful business owner, a contender for the North East Businesswoman of the Year Award, and a… Continue reading *New Release & Excerpt* Definition of Craving by Lia Peele @LiaPeeleAuthor #Erotica
(REVIEW) The Sea Was a Fair Master by Calvin Demmer @CalvinDemmer
This anthology features a big pile of super quick reads that I would recommend to anyone who likes short stories that are on the darker side. This book spans a huge variety of genres and feels and you will see everything from love to hate, and darkness to the light of hope. Overall I think this was a very creative collection that was quite entertaining, and I would recommend it and I would read more by the author.
(REVIEW) The Nightmare Room by Chris Sorensen @casorensen #mustread #indie #horror #ihba
Super excited to share this must read horror novel with you guys! Description: Peter and his wife Hannah move back to his hometown to be near his parent’s as their health declines. They think they are moving into his childhood home but due to a mix up they find themselves moving into an old farmhouse that possesses dark secrets. The past and the present collide in deadly ways, how can they survive the nightmare room?
(REVIEW) Down by the Sea: and Other Tales of Dark Destiny by Michelle Mellon @mpmellon
This is an anthology of 13 short stories with various plots from different genres. It has everything from revenge thrillers, to spooky paranormal tales, psychopaths and monsters. The ones who just die are the lucky ones.
*Author Interview* w/ Hanleigh Bradley @HanleighBradley Author of new release, Cursed By The Crown.
Today we're taking a few minutes to talk to Hanleigh Bradley about her new release Cursed By The Crown. If you've not heard about the book yet, then you should definitely check it out. It's Hanleigh's first attempt at swapping genres. Instead of writing her usual Contemporary Romance, she's delving into a fantasy world where… Continue reading *Author Interview* w/ Hanleigh Bradley @HanleighBradley Author of new release, Cursed By The Crown.
*Book Blitz Tour* The Blood Curse by Annette Marie @AnnetteMMarie #Giveaway & Excerpt! Tour by @XpressoTours
The Blood Curse by Annette Marie Publication date: March 30th 2018 Genres: Adult, Urban Fantasy When Clio conned her way into the Underworld, her job was to steal magic that could protect her homeland. Instead, she escaped with the rebel son of a notorious spell weaver family. And in the process, she exposed his… Continue reading *Book Blitz Tour* The Blood Curse by Annette Marie @AnnetteMMarie #Giveaway & Excerpt! Tour by @XpressoTours
*Cover Reveal* Eye of the Colossus by Nicole Grotepa @grotepas Tour by @XpressoTours
Eye of the Colossus by Nicole Grotepas Publication date: April 19th 2018 Genres: Adult, Science Fiction, Steampunk The City of Jade Spires, the biggest in the 6-moons, is a breathtaking symbol of hope and unity for the four races. But it’s also a hub of corruption. Holly Drake is proof of that. Fresh out of… Continue reading *Cover Reveal* Eye of the Colossus by Nicole Grotepa @grotepas Tour by @XpressoTours
*Book Blitz* Oath Forger by Nia Mars @niamars_author #Giveaway & Excerpt — Tour by @XpressoTours
Oath Forger by Nia Mars (Oath Forger #1) Publication date: February 27th 2018 Genres: Adult, Romance, Science Fiction I’m a scavenger. So what? With society’s collapse on Earth, I do what I have to for survival. Especially after I’m kidnapped by space pirates. I have no idea why the five most powerful rulers in… Continue reading *Book Blitz* Oath Forger by Nia Mars @niamars_author #Giveaway & Excerpt — Tour by @XpressoTours
*Blog Tour* Dark Glitter by C.M. Stunich @CMStunich & Tate James #Giveaway & Excerpt! Tour by @XpressoTours
Hello awesome readers! Welcome to my stop on the tour for Dark Glitter by C.M. Stunich & Tate James. Publication date: January 24th 2018 Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Thriller Ciarah O’Rourke was born into torture. A human spirit reincarnated in the body of an ancient fae goddess, she’s spent the last five years in iron shackles,… Continue reading *Blog Tour* Dark Glitter by C.M. Stunich @CMStunich & Tate James #Giveaway & Excerpt! Tour by @XpressoTours
*Blog Tour* ASSASSIN 13 by Tom Reppert @Repptom Release Announcement + #Giveaway & Teaser
Welcome to my stop on the tour for new release: ASSASSIN 13 by Tom Reppert. Enjoy an excerpt and giveaway! Blurb: In the dystopian 22nd century, Lauren Ramirez is an Assassin 13, the best at her profession. Betrayed by her employer, the President of the United States, on an off-planet op, she escapes when her spacecraft hurtles through time and crash lands in 1927 prohibition Hollywood with its silent film stars and bootlegging gangsters.
*Book Blitz* Recently Released: Celestia by Yumoyori Wilson #Giveaway & Excerpt! Tour by @XpressoTours
Welcome to my stop on the Book Blitz tour for: Celestia by Yumoyori Wilson (Unicorn Blessed Chronicles, #1) Recently Released: March 2nd 2018 Genres: Adult, Paranormal, Romance What do you get when your father’s a centaur and your mother’s a powerful magician? A unicorn shifter… You’d think being the only known unicorn shifter in the… Continue reading *Book Blitz* Recently Released: Celestia by Yumoyori Wilson #Giveaway & Excerpt! Tour by @XpressoTours
New Release — Splish, Splash Takin’ a Bloodbath by Mark Allan Gunnells @MarkAGunnells Renee Miller @ReneeMJ Eddie Generous @GenerousEd @UnnervingMag
Out tomorrow: Splish, Slash, Takin' a Bloodbath by Mark Allan Gunnells, Renee Miller, Eddie Generous Eighteen gruesome, blood-dripping, gape-wounded tales of slashers, predators, final girls, perverts, cannibals, and otherworldly nasties from authors Mark Allan Gunnells (Companions in Ruin and Flowers in a Dumpster), Renee Miller (Church and Smolder), and Eddie Generous (editor of Hardened Hearts). From the classroom… Continue reading New Release — Splish, Splash Takin’ a Bloodbath by Mark Allan Gunnells @MarkAGunnells Renee Miller @ReneeMJ Eddie Generous @GenerousEd @UnnervingMag

*Book Blitz* Grayghost by Tamara Grantham w/ #Giveaway, Deleted Scenes & more! Tour by @XpressoTours
Hello awesome readers. Welcome to my stop on the blitz tour for Grayghost by Tamara Grantham. Be sure to enter the giveaway and enjoy the excerpt and deleted scene! Grayghost by Tamara Grantham (Fairy World MD., #7) Published by: Crimson Tree Publishing Publication date: February 26th 2018 Genres: Adult, Fantasy, Romance The final installment in the… Continue reading *Book Blitz* Grayghost by Tamara Grantham w/ #Giveaway, Deleted Scenes & more! Tour by @XpressoTours